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little: Kirishima

Cg: Todoroki

Todoroki was in class when he got a message from Kirishima, his boyfriend who hadn't shown up to class that day. The message read 'dada, I don' feew so good' Todoroki quickly realized his little one was regressed and he checked the time. first period was almost over so he decided he'd check on him after class. He replied with 'That's not good buddy, where does it hurt?' after a moment  he got a reply saying 'in my tummy and my head ):'. The bell then rang signaling the end of class and Todoroki pretty quickly went to Kirishima's Dorm. He gently knocked on the door and after a moment Kirishima opened the door a crack, wearing a shark onsie and holding a blanket close. Once Kirishima noticed who it was his eyes widened a bit and he quickly opened the door a bit more "Dada!" he said in a slightly happy tone "want cuddles and Dino nuggiesss" He whined giving him puppy dog eyes and making grabby hands. Todoroki sighed and smiled softly "I only have ten minutes between classes, I'm gonna go make you some soup to help your tummy feel better and then we can cuddle for a minute or two before i have to go" He said gently. Kirishima whined "but I wan cuddwes and Dino Nuggiesss" he whined with a soft pout. Todoroki sighed softly and picked him up, walking the rest of the way into the dorm and closing the door. "Here, I'll put on some cartoons for you and then I'm gonna make you some soup okay? I know you're hungry cause you're asking for Dino Nuggies, but soup will make you feel all better, and we can cuddle between second and third period, okay honey?" he said gently "Hmph.." Kirishima huffed, he knew Todoroki was right, but he wanted Dino Nuggies and cuddles. after a minute Kirishima nodded and sighed. "Otay" he said gently. Todoroki smiled "good" he said, he made Kirishima a tiny nest of blankets and pillows before placing him in the middle and quickly putting on Kirishima's favourite cartoons. Kirishima giggled softly, liking the nest. He smiled a bit and nuzzled into the blankets before coughing a bit. Todoroki smiled slightly before heading off to make the soup quickly. He came back around four minutes later with some soup and he put it on a table in front of Kirishima. He then quickly grabbed some colouring books and crayons and put them on the table along with Kiri's little journal. The journal was white with a shark and some red hearts on it with big sticker letters that said 'Kiri's Little Journal'. Todoroki then sat with Kirishima for a few minutes while he ate before heading back to class. Kirishima whined when his dada left but he decided to draw him a picture in his little journal. He happily drew two stick men holding hands and smiling, he then drew red spiky hair on one and Red and White hair on the other before giving them both red shirts and black shorts, he then put a red scribble under the multi-coloured haired ones eye. after that he drew a big rainbow in the background, smiling brightly as he did. not too long later Todoroki's class had ended and they cuddled happily for a bit before his next class. after Todoroki was done school they cuddled and watched cartoons while having Dino Nuggies and more soup. After dinner Kirishima gave Todoroki The picture he made and he loved it, deciding to put it up on his wall when he got home. they spent the rest of the night resting and watching cartoons together and Kirishima began to feel much better.


sorry if this wasn't what you had in mind! I was having trouble making Kirishima be fussy but i tried my best <3

request from: @K1r1y4m4

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