chapter 2

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Lou's outfit ^^^

I know that Harry is not really like this! it's just fiction.

Louis' pov 

It's the next morning and I'm looking through my closet like a crazy person "Uhggg NIALL HELP?" I hear the sound of something large dropping and then footsteps running to my room, the door swings open and a wide eyed Niall stands there with a pan as a weapon "What's going on who do I need to kill?" I giggle "Noooo I just can't pick a good outfit for today."

Niall groans and drops the pan "You made me run all the way for that?!"  I roll my eyes "Please just help me Ni? I really don't want to make another bad impression on Mr. Styles" I frown remembering what he said yesterday. Niall must have noticed my frown as he's now looking around my closet and picks up an oversized colorful sweater with a denim skirt some tights and my vans. I smile at the cute outfit "Thanks Ni you're amazing!" "Yeah yeah remember that next time I almost burn down the kitchen again." 

I got dressed and I must say that I look absolutely adorable I had to roll up my sleeves so my hands where free. I run down the stairs, grab an apple, get my bag and my car keys and make my way towards the door "Bye Nini!" I hear a faint bye before I close the door and get to my car. 

I'm yet again standing in the front of the school door giving myself a pep talk "hey girl classes don't start for another hour why are you already here?" I turn around to see the most beautiful man I've ever seen "I uhm am the new drama teacher and a guy" "Ah ok nice to meet you I'm Zayn the math teacher" I smile and take the hand he was holding out for me and shake it "Nice to meet you too I'm Louis" Zayn gives me  smile and makes his way into the school and I follow him "So you wear female clothes?" "Clothes have no gender" Zayn nods "true true so do you need help finding your classroom?" My eyes widen I had totally forgotten that I still needed to find my classroom "Yes please it's room 21 I believe!" "Oh nice we are classroom neighbors!" 

Zayn leads me through the school, he showed me the teachers lounge, the copy and storage room. "And here we are" Zayn opens the the door and leads me into the room, my mouth fall open "It's amazing!" "Yeah it's the coolest classroom in the school now if you will excuse me I have to get ready for class" Zayn then makes his way out of the room. 

I walk further into the room and take my time to look around before writing my name on the board

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I walk further into the room and take my time to look around before writing my name on the board. I was about to sit down at my small desk when the door flies open "You actually came! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WEARING?" Mr. Styles yells out once his eyes land on me "uhm clothes?" "This is inappropriate! You can't dress like- like that. It's weird! I expect you to dress appropriate tomorrow or you're out!" I nod while looking down "Yes Mr. Styles" The man rolls his eyes and puts some papers on my desk before walking out of the room while mumbling something which are surely not nice. 

I look through the papers that basically just give me some information about the school rules, the students and some more boring stuff. After I did that I still had some time left so I took my book out of my bag and sat down at my desk and began reading. 

After about fifteen minutes the first teen walks in "H-hi are you the new teacher?" The small boy gives me a soft smile "Yes I'm Louis and please call me that I'm not a fan of formalities" The boy nods and takes a seat on one of the step seats. I talked to the boy called sam for a bit when more students walked in. They all gave me a weird look but just sat down on the steps. All keeping their distance from Sam for some reason. 

Once everyone was in the room I noticed that there was just one girl that was sitting close to Sam but I just shrug it off knowing that it's not any of my business. 

"Good morning class! My name is Louis Tomlinson but y'all will just call me Louis ok! And I will be your drama teacher for as long as Mr. Styles keeps me around. Let's do an introduction round and then y'all can ask me some questions." 

The introduction round was ok, I've already forgotten most names but I will learn them soon enough. "Ok so now for the question round! Please raise your hand if you want to ask something." 

A boy, obviously a jock raises his hand "Are you a fag?" I frown at his choice of words and see Sam flinching "We will not use words like that in this classroom ever again! If you do I won't hesitate to send you to Mr. Payne and let him make you run laps! You hear me?" The boy nods with wide eyes "But to answer your question, I am in fact gay." 

The girl next to sam, Liz I believe raises her hand "How did you find out you where gay?" 

I smile at the question "Well you see I was never really interested in girls, I when my friends started making comments about girls I wouldn't get it and as I grew older I noticed that what they had with girl, I had with boys" I tell while looking around the room seeing some people snicker and some people seemed actually very interested. 

My whole day was spend like this, answering questions, yelling at homophobic teens. I even spend my lunch time in my classroom talking to Sam who asked me if it was ok if he spend his lunch in my classroom and I couldn't say no to him. 

I was packing up my stuff when I noticed the little rainbow flag that I wanted to put up this morning but forgot, I take it out and stick it on the green thing next to the whiteboard "Take that down immediately!" I turn around to see Mr. Styles once again standing there looking pissed. 

"But why?" He rolls his eyes "I don't want to promote that stuff in my school" I frown yet again "But why not?" "Don't fucking question me Lewis" He pushes me aside making me stumble and almost fall and takes the little flag and rips it off the board before walking out of the room again leaving me behind all confused and sad. 

I make my way to my car to see that someone wrote the word 'Fag' on it with sharpie and tears fill my eyes... Is it really that bad that I'm myself. 

I choke out a small sob but cover my mouth right away not wanting to draw attention to myself "Mr. Tomlinson are you ok?" I turn around to see Sam standing there "I told you to call me Louis buddy" He shrugs and then notices the word on my car "Oh my I'm so sorry that that happened! I don't get why people are like this!" I give him a soft smile "It's ok sam really I will be fine" He shakes his head "No it's not ok you're so cool and yourself and that's amazing why can't people notice that" "Sam buddy it's ok some dumb teens cant change me" Sam nods and gives me a soft smile "See you tomorrow sam" "Yeah see you then M-Louis" He smiles and walks away giving me a little smile. 

I turn back around giving my car another look before just getting in and going home. 

WOWWWWWW I love this so much 


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