Chapter 3

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"So... How long will I be staying here? I have important things to do back on Midgard" Lily asked as they were walking to the stables.

"I don't know my dear, but we are trying hard to make your return home possible" answered Frigga with something that seemed like guilt in her voice.

"I was wondering... one of the servants told me that Asgard is my new home now. She told me you will explain everything to me..." Lily kept speaking as they were entering the stables.

"Welcome Josef!" the queen called to the elderly man, who was just putting on a saddle on one of the horses. She pretended she didn't hear Lily's words. "Is everything ready?"

'Oh great, she's avoiding the topic' Lily thought.

"Yes, Your Highness" answered Josef, finishing adjusting the saddle.

Frigga mounted her horse and gestured her to do the same. Lily looked at the animal that was brought to her by the old man and didn't move.

"How do I get in... on?" She asked.

Josef patiently explained everything to her, and even helped her up. Sitting in a female saddle, she thought that women in the past sure had it tough. It was the most inconvenient and awkward position she ever tried, and she felt like she was going to fall off any minute.

The man was slowly leading her horse, while she was trying hard to sit straight, and the queen was riding just beside her. She couldn't help but look around and admire this beautiful realm. It seemed classical and modern at the same time, which somehow didn't look awkward at all.

They were riding like that for quite a while, when they saw some silhouettes in the distance. Some people were out for a ride as well, and Lily noticed they seemed to have something like armours on. The one at front looked familiar. He had long, blond hair and was wearing a red cape. When she was trying to recognise the other ones, all of a sudden her horse whinnied and started pulling the rope that Josef was holding. Startled, she caught its neck not wanting to fall off, and at the same time the old man let go.

Lily squealed as the animal took her with it on a terrifying ride. She closed her eyes, too afraid to look what was going to happen next, and too focused on not falling off. She had no experience with horses, and so didn't know what to do, but realised that if she fell, she would probably break something if not die on the spot.

After a while she heard a rattle and noticed that someone was riding next to her. Then a familiar voice shouted:
"Give me your hand! Quick!"

She opened one of her eyes and saw Thor on her left, who was stretching out his arm to her.
Gathering her courage she took it, and was immediately pulled on his horse.

While he was holding her in his strong grip, she looked around in confusion, trying to understand what has just happened, and saw one of the most terrifying sights in her life so far. The animal she was just sitting on was heading straight towards the end of the field, and there was nothing further, but air. Not a minute passed by as it jumped off, and fell to it's death.

Lily felt faint. She would have still been in the saddle if Odin's son hadn't shown up. She could have died today.

What the hell was that? She kept thinking, as everyone was asking if she was all right. Horses didn't commit suicides on a daily basis, something must have provoked it! And since no other animal got spooked, someone did it on purpose. But why? What for? To kill her? But... But she was just some woman from Midgard, why would anyone care if she was dead or alive?

"I'm fine." She answered when Thor and the others became very persistent with their questions about her wellbeing. "Just shocked. I almost died."

"My dear, I am so sorry." She heard Frigga's voice and saw the queen approach her. Josef was running right after her. "If I had known I would have never..."

Mischief In Trouble (Loki fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن