Chapter 1

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The alarm clock sounded at nine o'clock in the morning. Many would say it's late, but to Lily it was still too early. She went to bed way past midnight so exhausted she didn't even check the time. These things happen when you're running from some crazy people through half of the country, and then get caught and interrogated by police. But getting up this morning she was quite sure it must have been two minutes ago. Moving almost in slow motion she went into the bathroom and took a shower. Water seemed to work miracles, because she started to look like a human again. Next were breakfast, make-up, getting dressed and finally checking all the papers. And that's when the panic started. She was late for school! Again!

You know, it's one thing when a student is late, and quite another when it's the teacher.

And yes, Lily was the teacher.

She ran out of the house, barely remembering to lock it, got into her car and... that's when she noticed she had her slippers on. But it was too late to go back and change, so she just turned the key and drove to work.

Lily worked in a private language school on the south of England. She didn't start early in the morning, but also didn't finish in the afternoons. Sometimes she had to stay till evening, but she could also start past noon. It was quite comfortable for someone who feels best after sunset.

Her students were different ages too.

It was clearly going to be her lucky day, because she managed to enter the class just in time. Her pupils were still talking, but they stopped immediately and looked down at her feet.

"New style Miss Castlerosse?" asked one of the girls. She could see everyone was trying hard not to laugh.

"New alarm clock. Will be needed. After I smash my present one." she answered laughing herself. The class laughed with her. "O.K. Sit down please! Anyone managed to do homework for today?"

Classes ended past six p.m. It was autumn so there was already no sunlight outside. Going back home she decided to take the road by the sea. It was longer, but usually empty and she could stop and watch the moon and stars shining high, and their light reflected in the water. Being a romantic deep down she used to sit and dream of calm, normal, happy life. Possibly with her husband and some children. She could forget how alone she was then. With no parents left, and other relatives too distant all she had was herself and a few friends that could put up with all the crazy things in her life. None of the boyfriends lasted long enough to call him close. Now twenty seven years old she started feeling that something was missing. A purpose maybe.

It was getting cold, so Lily decided to go back to her car. Maybe today she would manage to go to sleep early. It would be nice once in a while. She stood up and was going to turn back, but something caught her eye. A light shining down on the beach. It disappeared very quickly and she couldn't see what it was, but then it appeared again. It looked like a rainbow falling down from the sky.

'Um... aliens?' she thought to herself. 'Stay away, it's none of your business, just get into the car and drive away' she kept repeating while walking through the beach. The light disappeared again leaving a circle made of strange markings. Lily first went around it and then inside. The sand looked like burned but it wasn't. Knowing she shouldn't, she touched it. It felt like frozen. She stood up deciding to finally go home. And that's when the light appeared again.

A second after there was no beach anymore. Lily was flying through some tunnel made of light which changed colours every second.

'Oh great. I did it again' she managed to think before hitting the floor. It was hard, cold and looked like made of gold. Just like the man standing before her. Golden armour, a helmet with big horns and a sword which was now stuck into the floor.

She wasn't given the time to say hello. A group of men ran into the room, led by some blond giant with read cloak. They all had armour and swords, and didn't look happy.

The red-cloaked man stopped and looked at her with astonishment. It took him a while to speak.

"Heimdall, what is the meaning of this? Who is she?"

"I do not know. Bifrost opened on its own and she came through." answered the one in golden armour.

"You, who are you, how did you manage to enter this realm?" the giant turned towards Lily.

"What he said" she answered pointing at Heimdall. Her head was spinning and she wished they would just leave her alone.

The man looked angry, but before he could say anything more he was interrupted.

"The king wishes to see her." said the man in gold.

"Take her to the throne room." the read-cloaked man ordered the guards.

Lily was then lifted, put back on her feet and led outside. It was the longest and the most exciting walk in her life so far. The place was beautiful, like taken out of the fairy tale. The bridge she was walking on looked like made of colorful glass. There were astonishing buildings, sculptures and ornaments everywhere, and plants she had never seen before.

And the palace just took her breath away.

They walked long corridors, went up and down the stairs and finally entered the grand hall. She guessed that was the throne room. The room was almost empty except for three people standing at the end. One of them was sitting on a big chair which must have been the throne.

As they approached she could tell who the people were. On the throne sat an elderly man with an eye patch and a spear in his hand. Next to him stood a tall and beautiful woman in a dress, with long and curly hair. A few steps lower from the throne stood a slim man dressed in green. His hair was black and short. He watched Lily with curiosity.

"Welcome to Asgard" said the king, in an unexpectedly friendly manner, when the guards finally stopped.

'Asgard?!' shouted the voice in her head 'Wait, THE Asgard? Home of Norse Gods? Have I finally lost it?'

"Um... thank you... Odin... I suppose?"

"Yes, I am Odin, king of Asgard" he smiled at her with encouragement. "And who might you be, and what brings you to my kingdom?"

"An accident." she answered. Thinking it was all a dream increased her courage, otherwise she would be ashamed of standing before the god-king with her hair messed up by the wind and slippers on her feet instead of shoes. "I saw the light and suddenly I was here. I'm not exactly sure how or why."

"And which realm are you from?"

'What, he can't see I'm human?' she thought 'Wait, what was the Earth called...' Lily tried to remember what she read long ago in Norse myths and legends. 'Something ...gard, like a middle... '

"Midgard" she answered.

Odin looked at her long, before speaking again.

"We welcome you then..."


"...Lily form Midgard. It seems we encountered some problems with Bifrost, so I can't send you back home just yet. We will try to make your stay as pleasant as possible, since it appears to be our fault that you're here. My wife Frigga will see to it. If anything happens you may speak to her or one of my sons, Thor..." he pointed at the read-cloak man, who stood behind her. "... or Loki." The man wearing green made a small bow.

Lily looked at them all with amazement and worry. Something didn't seem right here. Some false tune rang and she couldn't shake off the feeling bad things were coming. But for now she decided to be good and follow instructions. She may just be paranoid after all.

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