04 - Closer to Me

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Today, I'm getting ready to go to campus. No. I'm not yet texted her. Because now I'll meet her anyway. It's campus orientation. We have to be there at the 6 a.m. and I make it. I'm not late. But I still can't see her. I don't know where is she. Anyway, it's not my business.

FYI, I went alone to campus, cause I think Irene has gone first. And Jennie and Jisoo have a different schedule.

So, 30 minutes later, seniors bring the late students to the front of the field where we can see them clear. And my eyes immediately recognize her. She's there. Oh my god, poor Chaeyoung. She's covering her face, but it's no use hahah, she's so cute. The seniors told them to sing as a punishment, and they have to do it alone one by one. And now her turn,

"Rosé hwaiting!!!" someone shouted. Uhh who is that guy? Her boyfriend? I never thought about that. Of course she could possibly has a boyfriend since she's so pretty. I feel strange, what is this feeling. Anyway, his shout is just make her even more embarrassed. Mmmh. And she start singing.

"To the left, to the left, uuu...." (irreplaceable play along). I got goosebump. She's so good, her voice omg. And it's not just me, everyone clapped. Wow.

I am amazed

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I am amazed.

And so, they are back to the seat. And she looks at me, I don't know why. She comes closer to me, then she sit behind me. Without realizing it, I just throw a big smile in my face. I can't even make my mouth remain flat.

"Hi." She greeted me with her very soft voice.


I even think that maybe she'll forget me from last time, cause that day we only have a short conversation. But, she greeted me and sat behind me. I can feel her breath wafted down my back. I literaly take a deep breath, why.

"You late?" I asked

"Yeah as you see." Giggled.

"How come?"

"I just so happened to be late, I don't know heheh. Yeah actually I didn't hear the alarm I set."

"Ahh, hahah, so cute."

"Sorry what?"

"Hmm nothing, hihih, you know sometimes that also happen to me, so yeah heheh."

"IKR, but tomorrow I'll make sure, this will not happen anymore."

"Good, I'm sure you can. BTW, your voice is so good, I like your singing voice."

"Thank you, I like to sing actually, it's my hobby. But I'm so embarrased, uh just don't talk about that right now."

"Why? You so good tho. But okay..."

Then we focus our attention on the presenter. The event started.

"Uh what is that? I can't see that, the letters are small." She said pointing to the slide that the presenter used.

"You can't see that?"

"Yes, I have myopia, and I forgot to wear my lenses."

"Ahh, I didn't know." So I ended up telling her everything that in the slide, so she can follow what the presenter is about to deliver to us. And we have a good time, I guess, or maybe it's just me. I enjoyed it.

She touched my shoulder. And uhh her hand in my shoulder, she touched my body. What are you thinking, are you crazy. She just wanna ask about the slide. Tsk tsk tsk.

Short story, the event has ended.

"Thank you, Lis, if it's not you, today I'll just get lost."

"Never mind, anyone will do that too."

"Anyway, just thanks for today."

"Yeah, welcome. I enjoyed it actually."

"So do I." and she smiled brightly.

--The next day—

I went to campus with Irene, finaly. Hihih. We got some conversation while our walk to campus. She's charismatic, I don't know why, I just felt that way toward her. The way she talk, felt so mature, sometimes cold, sometimes mysterious. And also in her eyes, there's a richness and kinda sad vibe. Anyway I like her.

We arrived at campus. The event started, so is the punishment for students who are late. And she's there. Again. Tsk tsk tsk. For today, the punishment is to read a poet. It just so funny seeing them read a poet. It's hilarious.

And today, unfortunately, we sat far apart. But, there's Irene beside me. Short story, the event has ended, and we go back to our house.

I went to my room, and Jennie isn't there. I guess she still at campus. I checked my handphone, go through Instagram, just scrolling the explorer. And my mind driving me to ended up checking Chaeyeoung's IG, I wrote her name, Roséanne Park, and the account with username @roses_are_rosie popped up. I checked it.

"Wow she's beautiful, and she got so many followers". I scrolled it until the first post. And without realizing it smiling along while seeing her pictures. And suddenly, I'm thinking of texting her. Then,


"Oh, Lisa, what's up?"

"What happened today? You didn't hear the alarm again? Hihih"

"Huhuh, yeah I didn't hear it again."

"How come, are you sleeping late?"

"I normally sleeping late, I guess that's why."

"Poor you hahah."

"Uh Lis, are you texted me just for making fun of me, huh?"

"heemm, can't I?"


"Just kidding hahahah. Anyway, tomorrow you can't be late anymore,

the seniors told us you'll be in a big trouble if you late for the whole events."

"U right, I knew it. I hope tomorrow I wont be late anymore."

"You should. Anyway, is there no one wake you up? Are you in a boarding house?"

"Yes, I'm alone here, I'm in a boarding house, but I haven't make friend with anyone, so.."

"Ahh I see. What if I come over there?"

"Are you serious, Lis? I would be happy if you do."

"Yes, I am. I can sleep at your place, so we can go to campus together tomorrow,

and no late anymore."

"Yes yess, come over here. I need someone tho, I'm lonely here.."

"Yessss,, just send to me your address."

(Sending the address)

"I'll go there after lunch, hmm around 7 p.m."

"Okay, I'll wait you, thanks Lis."

"Don't say thank you, I just wanna hanging around with you."

"Okay, then J J J"

I'm so exited. I'll go preparing my clothes and everything. Yu huuuu.

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