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When we hear the word relativity, what comes to our mind is the name of the legendary physicist Albert Einstein. Einstein not only laid the foundation on relativity alone, but he was also the backbone of quantum theory. Now, let me come to my topic. Towards the end of the nineteenth century, scientists believed they were close to a complete description of what space is. They believed that space was simply filled with a medium called ETHER.

In fact, we know that sound is pressure waves in the air. In this way, light and radio signals are waves in the ether. It was believed that light had a fixed speed in the ether, but the main thing is if you were also traveling in the ether with the same speed as of light and too to the same direction, then the speed of light would be lower, and if you were traveling in the opposite direction, then the speed would appear to be higher.

Yet there were a series of experiments that failed to support this idea. One such experiment was the Michelson-Morley experiment. It stated that light always traveled at the same speed relative to where one was, no matter how fast in which direction one was moving. Based upon this theory two other physicists George and Hendrik suggested that objects moving in the ether would contract and that the clocks would slow down. But still, the speed of light remains the same no matter how the objects were moving concerning the ether.

Einstein stated that the speed of light is independent of the object's motion and is the same in all directions. But sadly one of our friends has to be completely abandoned and that is the universal quantity called time, to support Einstein's statement. Instead, every one of us had our own personal time. That means if two bodies are at rest then, their times would agree with each other... But if they were moving then there would be a high rate of getting into an argument😁. This could be confirmed by the twins' paradox.

It is when we fly two airplanes in opposite direction around the world (east to west and vice versa ), and when they return, one among them would show a slight change in time. Any guess which one would show?.. Yes! it is the one that flew from west to east that is faster than the one that flew from east to west. So typically if a person wants to live longer, one should keep flying to the east so that the plane's speed gets added to that of Earth's rotation which is from west to east. However, the tiny fraction of a second one would gain would be canceled by eating the airline meals😆.

In the theory of relativity, each person has his own measure of time which can lead to the twins' paradox. Now, have any one of you wished your newborn brother being transformed as your elder one? well, I'm one of them so that he gets the beatings simply for no reason. Most of the elder brothers get beatings from our mother that was meant for the younger ones and I am one among them..🙄.

Yes, there is a chance! if you have the super ability to travel at the speed of light. And I know that's a useless hope for all the elder ones. Imagine that you are a 15-year-old boy and you have a sibling who is just 1 year old, you are planning to go to outer space in a rocket and that too at the speed of light! What happens when you come back? any guess?...when you return home, your dad would be at the age of 85 and your mum somewhat like 78!!.. And your lovely one-year-old brother would have completed his degrees and incredibly your age remains the same that is 15!!😁...MISSION COMPLETE!..this is my way of explaining Einstein's special theory of relativity. And what Einstein's proclamation was that as one of a pair of twins leaves on a space journey during which he travels close to the speed of light and his brother remains on earth, because of the person's motion who traveled to space, time would run extremely slow for him. And your brother on earth will have his time run faster for him, although Einstein was lucky enough not having any brother. Although it seems against common sense, several experiments have implied that in this scenario the traveling twin would indeed be younger.

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