"No I'm afraid not"

"Well its completely fine Mrs. Jenkins, I'm sure the students would have to do with details of how our dear widowed principal was kind enough to keep my dad company and join us for breakfast the following morning.", I awarded her with one of my classic bright smiles, which had her dropping the fork in her hands on the ground with a gasp.

"A-are you threa-", She managed to stutter a half sentence before I cut her off by standing, letting the chair scrape against the tiled floor loudly.

"Would you look at that? You can't have the class president late for school now, could we? Well then Mrs. Jenkins, I hope to see you in your office later today. Enjoy your breakfast", I gave her a little wave and kissed my dad on his cheek.

"Bye daddy!"

"Bye princess", he didn't look up from his paper as he waved at the wall.

I got into my hot red Porsche and drove to school with the hood down and parked in my reserved spot, near to the entrance.

"Jeans today Miss white?" Karla whistled as she and Mia took their places on either side of me in the hallway.

"It's a new Gucci pair, what do you think?" I did a little twirl for them while they hyped me up and showered me with compliments.

First period was English Lit so I made my way towards the classroom to the right of the hallway. I didn't stop by the lockers as I already had the book in my bag.

I entered the class and took a seat in a double desk near the window. Mrs Linton was running late so I decided to spend the time playing kitchen scramble.

I could see in my peripheral vision one by one the seats getting filled as the students rolled in. No one dared sit next to me knowing I'd rip their limbs out if they even attempted to.

"Sorry class I ran late because I had to pick up these pop quizzes from the copier"

Pop quizzes?

All the kids groaned simultaneously at Mrs. Linton's words. While I slammed my head on the table for not bunking today.

"Mr. Russo you're late! Go take seat in an available chair quickly for me to start delivering these tests"

My head perked up at my arch enemy's name and was absolutely mortified to see him eyeing the chair next to me with equal mortification.

I quickly scanned my surroundings to see if there was another chair available but to my great misfortune, of course the hunk had to sit next to me.

He pulled his chair as further away as the table would let to create maximum possible distance between us.

"I don't bite you know", I had to mock him

"I highly doubt it, bitches are known for biting", Xavier spoke in that captivating deep voice of his without sparing me a glance.

I turned towards him and was about to bark a comeback when I noticed his...state.

He's more stupid than I thought if he thinks that black hoodie of his can hide his busted lip, nose and bruised jawbone. My eyes then travelled to his hands as he passed or more like threw me the test. His knuckles were spilt and it still adorned some dried blood.

"Whose wrath was upon you yesterday evening?" I couldn't help my curiosity.

"Mind your own business" he grunted as his eyes scanned the quiz.

I decided there's nothing better to do than provoke him.
"So...which loan shark got you last night?"

His fist clenched at my words as his glare deepened.

Ooo looks like I got under your skin today Mr. Russo.

"Do you want me to pay your loans off for you? Can't have my arch enemy being beaten by randos, that's my job. How much do you owe to these gangsters? Never mind the price I can pay for it, my dad's the may-"

"Shut the fuck up!" he banged his fist on the table effectively cutting me off.

"Mr. Russo!", Mrs. Linton yelled

My eyes soon caught on to his bleeding knuckles as his wounds reopened. Seeing an opportunity, I took it.

"Mrs. Linton, I'm afraid Mr. Russ-I mean Xavier is in pain, he was in a crash last night and his wounds haven't been tended to properly. I request to aid him in a visit to the nurse. See his hand's bleeding Mrs. Linton!" I stood up and grabbed his large hand in mine to show her his bleeding knuckles.

Xavier immediately pulled his hand and me down with it.
"What do you think you're doing?" he whispered threateningly to me

"Why taking you to the nurse of course", I smiled brightly at him

The Mean Duo ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن