"What's going on... I can't see anything wrong," [M/n] thought to himself. He always did his patrol by staying in a single spot with full view, with that if any danger is detected, he could simply jump around and reach it without no trouble. In a sense, he is simply too lazy to be looking for trouble, so he awaits for trouble to show itself.

"It's not far there... not there either," he mumbled, scratching his cheek. He ragged his brain for a minute, using his dusty logic to think of any source of the potent smell.

"Wait—!" His head snapped down to the foot of the building he's standing on. And sure enough, his heart skipped a beat as his eyes locked on what's below.

A small silhouette laying on the narrow alleyway just in between his building and the structure beside it, a suspiciously dark liquid splattered like a horror scene. And the dark figure looming just by the side, it didn't take much brain to figure out what had happened.

Bracing himself, he waste no time jumping down, letting gravity accelerates his downfall. His body landed gracefully on his feet, a fall that shouldn't be possible if not for his trained body.

"Another sham–of a hero... how amusing,"
[M/n] gasped playfully while clutching his heart, all while he eyed the already lifeless body just laying beside him. "Excuse me? I take my job very seriously," he scoffed.
Inside his mind is racing at the sight of the pool of blood he stepped on. He recognize the body, it's the newly-fledged hero he knew as his underclassman. Although they're not close and only said a word or two, [M/n] immediately knew who he was facing with.

"So, Hero Killer? I assume?" He dared himself to start. He now realized why he was suddenly stationed in Hosu.

"And you... Miryoku. Disgusting. Are you an Idol or a hero? It's people like you who is the shame of the word 'hero'." Stain's ghastly lips are lined with thin sheet of blood.

"Thanks... I guess," [M/n] hesitantly muttered. He wasn't sure what to do, never in his life he met with a Villain as chatty as Stain, proudly announcing his ideals and outlook. He wasn't sure if he should reply or provoke. The little devil is telling him to provoke and anger Stain, yet he knew not of the Hero Killer's power.

"Enough chatting." Stain raised his sword, fresh blood still dripping from the rusty tip of the blade.

"Enough chatting, my ass. You're the one who keeps babbling." Thankfully the [H/c] manage to keep his words to his mind only.

"I hope you had a good life, [L/n] [M/n]. Your service won't be needed anymore. This corrupted society doesn't need another hero like you." Stain's eyes lit up dangerously with emphasis on the word 'Hero', as if mocking [M/n] for being who he is.

It was too sudden, but if it wasn't for [M/n] feeling warm on his right, he wouldn't ducked in time. With a fraction of a second Stain had seemingly blinked and appear beside the hero, swinging his sword so fast no eyes could follow. [M/n] ducked despite his feet frozen, thankfully that might've saved his neck from getting hacked till it snaps. Quickly, he jumped farther away from stain, holding onto a bar attached to the building to prop himself up.

"My fucking god I thought I can go home early and have a nice bath but I guess no cause this bitch apparently I have to defeat." [M/n] shamelessly let out a dragged sigh. Stain might've been fast, but it wasn't anything new in his 15 years of hero-ing. Although he still let his guard up, seeing how Stain looked too experienced in doing whatever he is doing.

Suddenly he feel a familiar warmth trickling down his cheek. His eyes widen as put a hand on his cheek, squishing it as hard as possible as orangey blood oozes out. His eyes flickered to Stain, seeing the villain raising his bloodied sword to his face.
"Nice moves. But it will be your last," Stain laughed, his tongue hanging out close to the blade.

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