Shota watch as [M/n] came closer to him, before stopping right in front of his seat. "What?" Aizawa looked up to the standing man, eyes locked with [E/c] irises that seems to burn with anger.


"Tell me," [M/n] harshly slammed both of his hands to the armrest of Shota's chair, effectively trapping him inside as he inched closer. "Are you avoiding me?" [M/n] no longer looked soft, his loving eyes seems absent, only hurt and anger.

"What's this about?" Aizawa frowned, leaning against the chair to avoid being too close to the [H/c], where he bent down to Shota's level.

"Don't make me angry," [M/n] threatened, biting his lip and unkowingly showing off his canine.

Aizawa's eyes flickered for a second, he breathed out before glaring at the man with the same amount of hostility. "You're already angry." Shota spat out. Although he doesn't know what the fuck is going on and what had gotten [M/n] to suddenly march in so aggressively, he is not willing to be submissive.


"Answer my question," [M/n] hissed, inching closer again. He suddenly stopped breathing, as if noticing how close he is to Aizawa. His anger dissipates, only soon be replaced with nervousness as he held his breath.

"What? I'm avoiding you? So what if I am?" Aizawa was somewhat annoyed. This man, out of nowhere barged in and without shame dare get angry at him? How childish. Although [M/n]'s and Shota's record was never clean from fights, such thing only happened once in a blue moon remembering how selfless the [H/c] is when it came to Aizawa.

"So you are avoiding me," a flash of hurt appeared in his eyes for a second, almost made Shota retract his words and apologize. "But why??" [M/n] asked, trying his best to not just burst down crying out of frustration. Though he quickly turned his desperation to determination, actively motivating himself saying he needs to work twice as hard in pursuing the man he loves so much.

"You've been too close to me. We're coworkers. A lot of your behaviour is not appropriate,"

"Okay, I'll resign from Yuuei," [M/n] firmly said. His tone back to the normal calm one as he stared deeply into the onyx eyes he loved so much.


"WHAT?!" Yamada who had been watching all this time almost choked on his saliva. "HEEEYYY WHAT IS ALL THIS NONSENSE- YEAHHH!!!!"

The audience in the stadium had been continuously confused, searching left and right trying to make sense of Present Mic's commentaries. Just what is that yellow haired man suddenly screaming on and on about? Is he not aware that his mic is still on and the whole stadium could hear him?

"I'll resign from U.A, so you won't have to avoid me. I'll quit being a teacher so we won't be coworkers anymore. That way, you would have no reason to fucking run away from me again,"

Shota had to admit [M/n] being aggressive is quite a sight to behold. After all, the [H/c] had always been so sweet and caring towards him. The new winds flowing from the other direction surely felt nice as a new change from the usual breeze. But he could never openly say that, would he? Shota had too much of a pride to keep.


At this point the audience figured it's just Present Mic out of his mind as usual, and had long ignored him, focusing on All Might giving medals to the winning kids.

"Shut up, -Zashi. Had enough of your shit getting in between me and Shota-kun." [M/n] turned towards the latter, yet still keeping his arms firmly gripping the armrest as if scared if he were to leave an opening, Aizawa would bolt out(which he wouldn't). "Get out. show's over." He ordered.

Present Mic, having flashbacks to High schooler [M/n] being the scariest person when angered, wasted no time running out the door. He was never aware why, all he knew that [M/n] and Shota had always been gnarly with each other. As if some part of them are drawn to each other, yet they still desperately trying to put up some space. Although [M/n] seems to be breaking away from that.

Now Aizawa and [L/n] had the privacy they needed as they continue to glare holes into each other's irises.

"Who told you to make such rash decisions?" Shota started. He was affected by [M/n]'s anger, which made him angry himself. He felt devastated at the thought of [M/n] signing out, which mean less time bumping into each other.

Shota can't understand why [M/n] would whine this aggressively after a little bit of distancing. He's only trying to keep being professional, it's not as if he completely disregards [M/n]'s existence.

[M/n] clicked his tongue. "Who told you to avoid me, huh? You know how much I hate you distancing yourself." He growled.

"So you deemed it necessary to create this ruckus? Have you got no sense of professionalism? Do you know how many people questioned you seeing how you act everyday?"

The [H/c] was agape for a minute, his heart thumping loudly as he process Shota's words. "Look, I'm so fucking happy you're caring about me, but really, I can't give a fuck! Why should you sacrifice the relationship I build so hard for those people?!"

Aizawa was beyond confused once more. What relationship? What is he if not a mere coworker and former fellow graduates? What had gotten into him? Was there something Aizawa missing? "Why are you so ready to discard your career, passion, and hobby just like that?"

[M/n] loft a hand up to grip his own hair, slicking it back out of frustration. "You're my passion! You're the career I want to pursue!! My hobby is being with you, don't you understand??" He sighed, counting under his breath as a means to calm himself.

"Is it that easy for you to discard my hard work? Do I really had no chance in the first place?" [M/n] gritted his teeth. Hand no longer on the arms rest as he gripped Aizawa's shoulder harshly, yet still carefully remembering the thick bandages still wrapped around the latter's body.

"What are you implying?" His onyx eyes hardened as he hissed. Surely he was sick of his colleague's frustration, Shota ha no idea nor does he feel responsible for it.

"What am I implying?" A sly sarcastic smirk made it's way to [M/n]'s face, yet his eyes stayed glaring. "I fucking LIKE you, Aizawa Shota! How loud do you want me to shout that?!"

And the room soon fell silent.

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