"I just came in here to apologize." Ross says while sitting on the bed

"Ross. No. I-i kissed back. It's fine. Its not a big deal. We just uh-" Laura says before getting cut off

"Had a moment." Ross says while nodding

"So if anything i s-should be the one apologizing." Laura says while scooting closer to him

"Well im not sorry." Ross says while leaning closer

"For wha-" Laura says before getting cut off

Ross grabs her face and slams his lips onto her while laura kisses back

"I want you." Ross mumbles

"Then have me." Laura says while tugging on his hair

"Fuck." Ross whispers

Laura grabs his shirt and lifts it over his head

"Before anything happens. I just want you to know im not going to regret this tomorrow." Ross says with a smirk

"Okay." Laura says with a chuckle

Ross lays her down and stares down at her

"Something wrong?" Laura whispers

"Im not inside you yet." Ross says while pressing his lips onto her neck

"Well. We have all night." Laura says while giggling


The next morning

Beep beep beep

"Hey." Ross whispers while rubbing her naked back

"Mhm?" Laura mumbles on his chest

"First off. You drool in your sleep. Second, its time for work marano." Ross whispers

Laura slowly opens her eyes and looks over at the alarm and groans

"Why are you still here?" Laura asks while sitting up

"What do you mean? I couldn't move girl. I was comfy." Ross says while yawning

Laura slowly crawls out of bed and stands up

"Damn." Ross whispers

"What?" Laura says while covering her body

"Just enjoying the view." Ross says with a smirk

"Perv." Laura says while rolling her eyes

"You slept with this perv." Ross says while standing up

"Yeah." Laura says while nodding

Ross stands up and walks up to her and puts his hand on her cheek

And they were roomatesWhere stories live. Discover now