so this went well..

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God I don't know why i agreed on doing this stupid ass fake date for calum. I mean yeah sure ross is one handsome guy! But there's no way he would be dateable he just messes around and I don't need that in my life... i need a loving,and caring guy....

"Laura?" Ross says while knocking lightly

"Ahh! Just a sec im not dressed yet. Please for the love of god don't walk in yet." I whisper shout

Ross playfully rolls his eyes and chuckles before whispering back

"Okay laura." He says whispering back

I slip my dress on and throw on a necklace

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I slip my dress on and throw on a necklace. I turn around and look in the mirror and smile...

"Lookin good laur." I whisper to myself

"Alright calum is kinda being rushy and shit so you better be dressed or-" Ross says while walking in

"Hi." I say with a wave

"Wow. I didn't think a school teacher would look this good. Soooo can I take you out on a REAL date?" Ross says with a smirk

"Come on. Let's just get this over with." Laura says while walking up to him

"Is there anything off limits during this dinner?" Ross whispers seductively in her ear

"Ross." Laura says while chuckling

"I just need to know. I want to really try and convince calum's girl that im off limits.""Ross says while walking out

"No. Kissing." Laura says while smiling

"There you guys are! I wasn't sure if you two lovebirds could get out of bed or not!" Calum says while chuckling

"Welll my rossybear was kind of distracting me." Laura says while walking into the dining room area

"He is one sexy man." Calum says while chuckling

"So Calum are you going to introduce me to your lady friend?" The blonde haired lady says while looking at laura

"Oh shit! Laura this is amy, Amy this is my roommate laura!" Calum says while smiling

"Nice to meet you!" Laura says while smiling

"You as well. So are we gonna let the food get cold or what?" Amy says while looking at calum

"Well I THOUGHT ross would be with us tonight but I think he fell asleep after him and laura made love." Calum says with a smirk

"IM HERE!" Ross says while running out of the bathroom panting

"Hi sweetheart. I saved you a spot next to me." Laura says while patting the chair next to her

And they were roomatesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ