too high

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"Since she moved in. She has a heart and she's a dope roomie." Ross says with a shrug

"Who's a dope roomie?" Laura says while walking over to the couch

"Good morning to you too laura." Calum says while rolling his eyes

"Morning calum. Do you want pancakes or waffles today?" Laura asks while crossing her arms

"Oh thank you laura but I already had breakfast this morning." Calum says with a smile

"Well forget you calum! See you guys after school " Laura says while walking out the door



I unlock the door of the loft and turn the door handle. As soon as i walked in it smelled so bad. And at that very moment i knew the guys were getting high. I take my shoes off and walk near the living room area.

"Lauraaaaa!" Ross shouts with a small smile

"Ross." I say with a glare

"Whattt?" Ross says while looking at her

"Don't what me. God it smells so bad in here! How can you guys sit here and smoke that crap." I say while glaring at my roommates

"Okay but have you ever smoked?" Noah asks while taking a puff

"U-uhhhhh Y-yeahh!" I say with a nervous chuckle

The three guys look at each other and smirk..

"What are you guys smirking about?" I say while crossing my arms

"You've never smoked before." Calum says

"Y-you don't know that." I say in a defensive tone

"I can sense an innocent non smoker. And laura it's okay." Calum says with a sigh

"Here. It won't kill ya." Ross says while taking a puff

"Im a school teacher. If i lose my job i will be in trouble. I mean DEEP trouble." I say while looking at ross

"You're at home. It's not like they're gonna come knocking at our door laur." Ross says with a small smile

I swear laura. Don't even think about it.. it's weird. Don't do it. You could lose ya job. Okay inner thoughts shut up!

"FUCK IT! Hand it over." I say with a shrug

"Yeahhh that's my laur!" Noah says while cheering

"Here ya go." Ross says while handing her the joint

Laura looks at ross and then her eyes look at the joint and stares at it. The guys start cheering her on and Laura puts the joint up to her lips and takes a long long puff...

"Damnnn girl!" Calum says while observing

"Laura you good?" Ross whispers

Out of nowhere. Laura blows out a big cloud of smoke...

"Shit." I say while holding in a cough

"Are you okay?" Ross says while tapping her shoulder

Laura looks up at him and smiles big, Calum and noah smirk while looking At eachother..

"Rossssssss. Can i tell ya something?" Laura says with a giggle

And they were roomatesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin