28. The Daughter's Origins

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Migrating between uncaring foster homes was becoming too much for young Angela. This is what started her depression.

Despite all of this, turning to Satanism definitely wasn't the right choice. But, that's what she chose as her alternative.

Eventually, she got mixed up in the wrong cult and ended up being sacrificed to the devil as a bride. This ended with her mating with an all powerful demon named Trigon the Terrible. He not only impregnated her, but he destroyed the cult.

What happened to Angela was unbearable. When no one seemed to want to help her go through this pregnancy, she decided to try and take her own life by overdosing on sleeping pills. But, that attempt had failed, and she was left utterly alone with her unborn baby.


Soon after her near death experience, Angela met the people of Azarath. They were so kind that they wished to give her a new life in their other-dimensional world, even while being pregnant with the child of Trigon. They convinced her that they could safeguard her child from Trigon's evil influence.

Upon being a part of this new world, the Azarathians gave her a new name; Arella.

When her daughter was finally born, she named her Raven.

"She's beautiful."

Arella looked down at her baby girl, a bittersweet smile on her lips. It had been hell bringing her here, but, after seeing the face of her newborn baby, she decided that it was all worth it.

The monks taught Raven how to use her dark powers and tried their best to help her avoid Trigon's influence.

Unfortunately for Raven, her father was more powerful than they could ever imagine. He was connected to her mind and constantly threatened the Azarathians. All Raven wanted to do was protect her mother and the ones who'd helped her for years.

So, this is why the young girl fled to Earth, and Arella didn't see her daughter again.

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