Chapter 2

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Thomas POV:

Everyone lit a bonfire, they all cheered once it took alight. You kept your distance from everyone, you only trusted a few people. Newt came to the log you were sat at and joined you. 

"Heck of a first day Greenie." He smiled while you nodded your head with a sigh. "Here, put some hair on your chest." He said handing you a jar full of a orange liquid.

You slowly grabbed the jar and lifted it to your lips, then a weird awful taste went down your throat making you gag. "Oh my- god what is that." You coughed while Newt laughed.

"I don't even know. HEY Y/N!" Newt yelled. 

Then y/n walked over to you both. "Yeah?" She asked, in a (your accent) voice.

"What's this?" Newt questioned.

"I don't know can i try?" She asked.

"Sure." He responded handing her the jar.

Y/n took a sip and started coughing. "Oh my god what the hell!" She exclaimed.

"I know right." Newt giggled. "It's Gally's recipe. A trade secret." Newt said, making it sound majestic.

You turned your head to look at Gally, having a friendly fight with other boys.

"Yeah well he's still an asshole." You hissed.

"He saved your life today." Newt disagreed. "Trust me, the maze is a dangerous place."

"That's right, if he didn't stop you from going into the maze you would be dead right now." Y/n added.

Just then a grumbling sound came from the maze. "See." She continued.

"We're trapped here aren't we?" You asked.

Newt hesitated to answer. "For the moment. But, you see those guys there." Newt said pointing behind you both. Y/n sat down next to him and looked back too. "Those are the runners. That guy in the middle there, that's Minho." He said pointing to a black haired boy in a cyan shirt. He's the Keeper of the runners."

"And every morning when the doors open they run out, and run the maze. Mapping it, memorizing and trying to find a way out." Y/n added. "I was going to tell him about this tomorrow." She smirked at Newt.

"I know." He smirked back.

"How long have they been looking?" You asked.

"3 years." Y/n responded.

"And they haven't found anything?" You questioned.

"Its not easy said and done." Newt smirked.

"Take it from a former runner." Y/n started before falling silent, she blinked her eyes and returned back to character. "Here that noise?" You listened closely, the sound of rumbling became louder. "That's the maze, its changing."

"Changes every night." Newt added.

"Is that even possible?" You asked.

"Apparently, but i remember, each morning something would be different." Y/n continued.

"HEY Y/N!" Gally yelled, you turned your head to see him calling her over. "YOUR TURN!" 

"Sorry boys, duty calls." She smiled before running over to Gally.

You turned your head just to watch her go up to Gally, arms on her hips. When Gally went to strike her she jumped up onto his back and pulled him down by the neck.

"She's great isn't she." Newt smiled as he watched her kick ass. "You know i wish i could tell her how i felt." 

Your face gave away your question. "Greenie shes the only girl here, i bet you out of 30 of us at least 20 have a interest in her. I'm just scared she feels the same way for one of them." Newt said bowing his head.

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