All I Ask of You

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Let me lead you from your solitude
Say you need me with you here, beside you
Anywhere you go, let me go too

She didn't sleep much that night.

Not that she had been lately, but there was evidently a huge difference between four and a half hours of sleep and three hours. There was just too much to consider that left little time for rest.

What was happening tomorrow? How would she know when it's happening? How does He know it's happening? Would He... would He be there, watching it unfold?

Hermione spent the night tossing and turning, considering the thousands of outcomes and possibilities of tomorrow, considering Him.

How did He find her? Why did He find her?

She turned onto her back, letting the sheet fall to her waist. What did He want with her?

The window on the far wall illuminated with the night sky and the dull lights of the street below her. Was He watching her now?

Sweet dreams, Granger.

She let a hand pass over her breast, pausing slightly over a taunt nipple, before traveling down to lightly trail her cotton clad stomach. Her hand stilled at the sheet crumbled at her hips. Would He know if she...

She snatched her roaming hand away, balling it into a fist and tucking it behind her head.

This was insanity, wasn't it? Perhaps Ginny was right and Hermione was putting too much trust into someone she didn't know. She knew Ginny would be horrified if she found out how deeply that devotion ran.

By the next morning, Hermione was almost in a daze. The lack of sleep was physically and mentally evident. She had sat down at the wrong desk when she first arrived and didn't notice until Dennis had dropped mail off at the desk with the name Nicholas Finn. He blessedly said nothing even as Hermione scurried back to her own desk.

She had obsessively begun checking the clock, praying the minutes would tick by faster until whatever He had hinted at would happen. But by noon, Hermione was practically falling asleep on her desk.

She tapped her quill against her chin, analysing the clock hands. There was a coffee station just down on the first floor of the ministry. She could be there and be back, coffee in hand, in less than 20 minutes.

It was either that or she'd miss the opportunity all together with her face pressed against her desk and drool coming from the corner of her mouth.

"Dennis," he snapped his head up from where he was magically sorting the mail in his cart. "I just need to run down to the atrium. Will you just watch over my desk? I'm expecting something today that's very important. I don't want to miss it."

"Sure thing, Ms. Granger," Dennis nodded, "But what is it I should be looking for?"

"I--" Hermione furrowed her brows, tucking her bottom lip between her teeth. In fact, she didn't know what she was supposed to look for, so how was she to tell Dennis? He had been so vague in his letter, it could be anything. "Nevermind, it probably won't come while I'm gone anyway. Just please notify me if anything comes, okay?"

Dennis nodded, giving her an odd look. Hermione prayed he would chalk it up to her apparent dillirusnous today.

I could tell him I took a little too much Dreamless Sleep last night, Hermione pondered as she watched the lift descend the many floors of the ministry. That would explain my odd behavior. Not that he'd outwardly question it.

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