Bucket List

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Right now, Upp was all alone in his house. It has already been 2 months since the accident and so far, the wound has already healed. Right now, he is on the treadmill doing a slow paced walk— trying to make his lifestyle active.

"So damn boring" Upp complained as he looked at his phone while walking on the treadmill.

Because of the accident, Upp was now on his leave. After another week— after his last doctor's visit, he will go back to the university again to teach.

"I don't know if I can continue doing things like this" he placed his phone on the table and started running on the treadmill.

Since Upp has always been busy with work and studies, experiencing this 'resting period' really annoys him. As a career-driven person, he felt like doing no work for two months almost made him crazy.

'I need to get back to work. Another week left and I will go back to school. Finally' he thought and focused on running.

'But should I still go back to that same old routine?' After taking a couple more runs, he suddenly thought of this. 'I love teaching, but should I live the rest of my life doing what I was doing before I almost died?' there was a frown on his face and his pace slowed down.

He stopped the treadmill and walked to his couch and sat down. 'I better live my life now!' After thinking about how he almost lost his life without doing much, he finally made a decision.

'During my first life, I did not really enjoy my life. I was so focused on my career. Now, I already have my Ph.D. and what?" he stood up and walked to his room.

When he got to his room, he walked to the closet and grabbed some clothes, 'I better live my life now! I can still teach, but I also need to explore what is more to life than this!' there was fire in his eyes when he thought about this. It looks like he has already decided to work on the things he was missing before.

With a slight nod, he walked to the bathroom and placed the clothes he was holding on the clothing rack then walked back out of the bathroom to grab his phone.

'Maybe I should start by finding a girlfriend' he grinned then looked at his phone. 'Since I did not have any proper relationship back then, I should focus on this one first. I need to spread my genes before I die.' He walked back to the bathroom.

When he got in, he placed his phone on top of the sink and took off his clothes. In front him, was a mirror.

Looking at his scar, Upp muttered, "Yeah, I better live my life now" he touched the scar then continued undressing.

After taking off his underwear, he grabbed his phone and stood on the shower, "it has been two months" he smiled then opened a browser on his phone and clicked 'open incognito tab' and started searching 'big titties'

"Two months has been a long time my friend" he looked at his right hand then turned back to his phone, 'I am really so alone' he shook his head then started looking at the images he searched.

After feeling that his penis started getting hard already, he then opened a porn site and started watching porn.

After a couple of moans and strokes, Up was finally able to get a release

"Ahh..." he looked at the fluid dripping out of his penis then smiled. 'Finally' he thought.

For the past months, he has not jerked off a single bit. Well, actually, during the first month, he tried. But after feeling a little uncomfortable from his wound, he got scared so did not continue and went to the doctor to get his wound checked.

During that time, he told the doctor that he suddenly had an uncomfortable feeling in his abdomen. The doctor asked what he did and of course he lied. He said that he was doing sit-ups and suddenly felt the uncomfortable feeling.

Upp and Officer KaoWhere stories live. Discover now