"A big door," Jim whispers, pressing a button on the map, "opening and closing." The door shuts and then opens once again, this time showing floating buildings and ships. He presses a few more buttons, and weird, strange landmarks appear, even some that I've never seen or heard of before. "Let's see," Jim mumbles. "Kinapis... Montressor spaceport." He grins and presses the symbol of a crescent moon, and there it was. Monstressor spaceport.

"So that's how Flint did it," I say. "He used this portal to roam the universe, stealing treasure."

"But where'd he stash it all!" Silver fumes, snatching Jim and I by the collars once again. Can't this man- this cyborg, stop grabbing our shirts for once? I think to myself with a frown. He throws us backward and takes control of the map. He smashes the buttons as the door opens and closes numerous times. "Where's that blasted treasure!"

I jump when I see a giant monster about to climb through the portal, but I sigh with relief when Silver chooses another place before it can get through. "Treasure! Treasure!" B.E.N suddenly says, clutching the sides of his robot head. "It's... buried in the..."

"Buried in the centroid of the mechanism," Jim whispers, the realisation hitting him like a ton of bricks. "What if... the whole planet is the mechanism, and the treasure is buried in the center of this planet!" I stifle a laugh when I see that the crew begins digging at the ground. Did these idiots really think that they'd reach the treasure in time? Honestly, they seemed to forget that we had a portal to get us there. "And how in blue blazes are we supposed to get there!" Silver roars with anger. I rub the bridge of my nose with a sigh. They were all forgetting one important thing, which I have mentioned before: the portal. Jim pushes Silver aside and presses Treasure Planet on the map. "Just open the right door," he says. Jim grabs my hand and we both walk toward the portal cautiously. Our hands disappear through the portal, and then soon our entire bodies are engulfed.

Our bodies are still in one piece, thankfully. Silver grabs our shoulders and climbs into the portal. I look down and notice a red laser going from one side to the other, and I start questioning whether or not it's safe to continue going in. Piles and piles of gold, jewels and chests cover the entire surface of this cave, and it really lived up to its name. This treasure was enough to last you a lifetime. "Wait for me, wait for me!" Bird Brain Mary calls out. The crewmates cheer in victory when they, too, spot the treasure. They run toward it with a massive grin on their faces, and honestly, I can't blame them. "The loot of a thousand worlds," Silver breathes out. I can't help but feel the tears forming in my eyes. Just when I thought that finding Treasure Planet was just a childish dream. "Jim, can you believe it?" I ask him, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"I..." he sighs. "I can't. All this time I thought that it was just a myth, a legend... but it's all real." He suddenly scoops me up in his arms and hugs me tightly, before grabbing my waist and lifting me up into the air and spinning me around. He places me back on his feet with a huge smile, and a red face. "We are going to need a bigger boat!" Onus shouts out the obvious. Strange cannons shoot purple beams into mechanical holes, but the crew doesn't seem to care. The only thing on their minds was the treasure.

"This is all seeming very familiar," B.E.N announces. Jim and I spot a ship in the distance. "I can't remember why," B.E.N continues. We look over at Silver and see that he's distracted; now was the perfect time to get away, and grab the things we needed. "B.E.N, Y/N, c'mon," Jim says, nudging us. We obey and follow him to wherever he was taking us, and it seemed that Jim and I both had the same idea. "We're getting out of here, and we're not leaving empty-handed."

"Well, duh," I say. "Who would leave empty-handed when all this treasure is surrounding them?" Jim says nothing, but instead shakes his head with a chuckle. "But Jimmy, Jimmy!" B.E.N protests. I look back and see Silver clutching the gold in his hands with a smile.

"Do you know what's strange?" B.E.N asks, while Jim and I climb into the ship. "I can't tell you how frustrating this is, Jimmy and Y/N, 'cause there's something just..." Jim grabs B.E.N's hands and helps him up onto the ship. "It's nagging at the back of my mind. AHH-!" B.E.N stumbles into the ship, landing on the floor of the ship with a THUD!

"Captain Flint?" Jim and I chorus.

"In the flesh!" B.E.N adds on. The skeleton of Flint sits on a chair, the arms resting on the sides. His foot is placed on a chest, and his hat is still upon his head. "Well, sort of, except for skin, organs, or anything that... that resembles flesh, that's not there." I walk up to the skeleton cautiously, considering that you never really... see a skeleton every day of the week. "And yet it's so odd, you know?" B.E.N continues. "I mean, I remember there was something horrible Flint didn't want anyone else to know, but I just can't remember what it was." Jim and I spot something in Flint's 'hand', and I swear it almost looks something like B.E.N. Jim snatches it, and examines it carefully. "Oh, a mind is a terrible thing to lose!" B.E.N sighs dramatically.

"B.E.N, I think we just found your mind!" Jim exclaims. "Hold still." B.E.N cries out in shock. "Jimmy, your hands are very, very cold," he says as Jim shoves the piece into the missing part of B.E.N's head. "Woah!" His voice suddenly becomes distorted, but it was as if he was... upgrading? "Hello," B.E.N says. "You know, Jimmy, Y/N, I was just thinking... I was just think... It's all flooding back! All my memories!" Jim and I look at each other with a smile. "Right up until Flint pulled my memory circuit so I could never tell anybody about his booby trap!" B.E.N continues saying.

"Booby trap?" I repeat with uncertainty. Suddenly, a crashing noise can be heard behind us. "Speaking of which..." B.E.N says. A giant cloud of red, orange, black and white appears out of nowhere, causing pipes to burst and the ground to shake roughly. Jim grabs ahold of my shoulders out of pure instinct, and for once, I'm not mad that he's trying to protect me. If anything, I'm petrified and need comfort. Of course, affection wasn't going to get us anywhere, but it was going to pull my head out of the clouds. "Flint wanted to make sure that nobody could ever steal his treasure, so he rigged this whole planet to blow higher than a Kalepsian kite!" B.E.N informs us. If only we had gotten this info much sooner... I think to myself with a frustrated sigh. I couldn't blame B.E.N for this, though, it wasn't his fault that Flint took out his memory circuit. One of the cannons breaks apart and lands on the ground, sinking into it. A purple ray cuts through the treasure like a knife, almost killing the crew in its path.

"Run, Jimmy and Y/N, run for your life!" B.E.N yells, shaking our arms.

"You go back and help the captain and Doc!" Jim orders B.E.N. "If we're not there in 5 minutes, leave without us." I watch as Jim slides under a part of the ship. We? Does that mean he wants me to come with him? I think. I thought it was strange how he wanted me to stay with him when I could get injured, and usually me getting hurt is the last thing he wants. I shrug my shoulders, not thinking about it any further. Besides, we had other important things to worry about, a.k.a getting out of this stupid planet. B.E.N grabs Jim's feet and cries, "I am not leaving without my buddies Jimmy and Y/N!" Jim slides out from under the ship and glares at B.E.N, so I glare at him too. "Unless they look at me like that. Bye Jim and Y/N!" he runs off.

"What's the plan!" I shout out over the sound of explosions and gears whirring.

"There's no time to explain!" Jim replies. I look back to notice all the treasure sinking and falling, only causing the panic in me to rise. I see Silver frantically trying to grab the coins. Then I look on the other side to see two of the crewmates fall into the fire-y pit down below. I gulp, hoping that that wasn't going to be either me or Jim next. "C'mon, Jim, hurry!" I say to him.

"I am!" he answers. Then, me and Silver's eyes meet.

My Treasure | Jim Hawkins x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now