Double Agent

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"Hey, fellas." Poppy greeted as the three walked into the diner, guns pointed at her. She seemed so cheerful it was creepy.

"You're going to give us the code." Harry demanded calmly. Poppy gasped.

"Mmm. Or what?" She asked." 'Cause you don't seem like the kind of gentleman who would hurt a lady."

Eggsy went to one side of Poppy and Harry went to the other whilst Blanche stood right infront of her. They all nodded at one another and put their guns away.

"Perhaps not. Call me old-fashioned...I don't consider genocide especially lady like." Harry said as the three sat down on bar stools.

"Right, enough small talk." Eggsy said, placing the case down on top of the bar. He opened it up and spun it round so it was facing Poppy.

"Give us the code." Blanche said.

"Sure!" Poppy said but then she closed the case up." No. I don't think so."

Harry grabbed one of Poppy's arms and slammed it down on the counter top, making her torso lean against it. She gasped at the sudden movement just as Blanche passed Eggsy a needle. He injected it into Poppy's neck.

"Ow!" She winced but she still sounded so cheerful. Harry let go of her and the three sat down whilst Poppy stood back up.

"Heroin." Eggsy said, looking at the needle." You know, where I come from...this shit you've been peddling has ruined a lot of lives. But yours is even more deadly. But it feels so nice, it's gonna make you lower your guard."

"Our colleague Merlin, may he rest in peace...managed to synthesise your horrible little formula...and speed up its effects." Blanche explained.

"So, I would say you have just under eight minutes...before paralysis sets in and your breathing stops." Harry continued. Poppy was beginning to go blue." But of course, you know all about that."

"So, here's the deal." Eggsy began." You release the antidote world wide and we make sure you get a dose."

"I have to give you the code to live?" Poppy asked with an unsettling smile." Honey, you're so smart. You should work for me."

"Yeah not happening." Blanche stated and Poppy looked at her with a wide smile." Give us the code."

"So feisty, I like it." Poppy said and Blanche rolled her eyes with a sigh as she dragged the case towards her." Oh such a pretty ring!"

"Yeah it's my engagement ring." Blanche said, not looking at Poppy, who was admiring the yellow jewel on the ring.

"Engagement." Poppy said.

"Stop stalling." Blanche groaned.

"Who's the lucky guy?" Poppy asked, leaning against the counter top.

"He's right beside me." Blanche said and Poppy looked at Eggsy." Now quit stalling and give me the fucking code!"

"Why not? The decrees getting signed soon...anyhoo.'s Viva Las Vegan." Poppy said and the three glanced at one another." Get it? Viva Las...mmm."

Blanche looked up at Poppy, who was staring at Harry with a smile. Blanche frowned slightly. Poppy was really starting to creep her out.

"Come snuggle with me. I like you." Poppy slurred at Harry, who sat awkwardly silent.

"And now she's flirting with my Uncle oh god!" Blanche sighed with a slight groan. Eggsy began to chuckle ever so slightly at his fiancée's embarrassment.

"I don't think that's terribly likely." Harry said to Poppy. She laughed and then went unconscious. Blanche passed the case to Eggsy and went around to the other side of the bar. She knelt down and pressed two fingers against Poppy's neck gently.

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