A Start to Another Day

Começar do início

Felix took a breath, reluctantly getting up from his bed. I might as well start getting ready..., Felix thought as he walks into the restroom.

Felix looks over himself in the mirror. He frowns, noticing more than ever just how dreary he has become.

The first thing that Felix notices are in his eyes themselves. His light-blue eyes used to be so bright and filled with an enthusiastic light. Now though, that light has faded over the past 30 years, his blue eyes now having a clouded appearance.

More on that note, the bags under his eyes have darkened. Despite heading to bed at a regular interval, he has gotten more and more restless over the years. At night, Felix will lie awake in his bed, staring through a dark room, the only lights that ever came through came from the night sky out his window. He'll stare because he doesn't know what else he can do to fall asleep. He used to rest so easily, back when he was so proud of his job, but now a part of him is constantly aching, keeping him from resting. What is it he is aching for? He doesn't quite know the answer.

Felix sneers at his tired reflection. He turns the sink's tap, the water trickling out. Felix places his hands below the running water before he splashes the water that collected in his palms onto his face. After he had rinsed off his face, he felt slightly freshened.

Felix went on with the usual bathroom routine followed with brushing his teeth and taking a swig of mouthwash. He then left the restroom to walk to his dresser, changing out of his pajamas into his uniform: a sky-blue polo embroidered with his name and a pair of jeans.

Now that he had his uniform on, he moved on to equipping his accessories. He opens up another dresser drawer to reveal small clothing items. He first grabs a pair of hand wraps he got from the Street Fighters some anniversaries back as a gift. He makes it a habit to wear them, as his arms are often very sore from constantly swinging his magic hammer around. None of the gamers really questioned it when he wore these the first time; in fact, they thought it was cool looking. Having tied his hand wraps around his arms, Felix then puts on his yellow carpenter gloves.

Felix turns to another drawer to grab himself a handkerchief to keep in handy. The hero scanned amongst the sea of neatly folded white and beige hankies to grab and place in his pocket, but a clumped up red rag in the drawer stood out to Felix's eye like a lighthouse signaling ships. He grabbed the rag, having actually noticed it for the first time in forever.

To the normal eye, it was just a rag- a filthy rag that despite having been tossed into the washer and dryer, it still had the dark stains of engine oil and grease. To Felix though, he remembers this rag as something of value, gifted to him by a late neighbor on the 5th anniversary of both their games. Gene and the other Nicelanders have told Felix before to just throw away the rag, that it wasn't a conventional item to keep, especially after everything that happened, but Felix just couldn't toss it out. He never tossed any of the gifts he got away, so it shouldn't be any more different with this rag.

Felix then hears a knock at his door.

"Hey Felix, the arcade is about to open in ten minutes!", a Nicelander can be heard calling from the other side.

"Oh- Uh, alright then! Thank you for the heads up, Don!", Felix shouts back to him. He was able to hear Don walk off down the hallway.

I guess you'll be coming along with me for today, Felix thought, as he immediately started to fold the rag he held in his hand and fits it into his pocket. He then hurriedly puts on his boots and tool belt, grabbing his magic hammer and placing it into its holster.

He grabs his iconic blue cap with his initials embroidered onto it, as he dashes over to the restroom to comb his hair into its proper parting. Once he looked presentable enough, he places on his cap, adjusting it to ensure it was secured snuggly on his head.

He was nearly fully dressed, but he was forgetting one thing- a smile. He sighs to himself, as he tries to put on his iconic cheery grin. For Felix, faking a smile wasn't too hard. He had been wearing one since he first got plugged in, so it is now second nature to him. The only issue with smiling was that Felix had to hold it until the end of the day. Then with the anniversary party we are holding, I'll be needing to hold this for much longer. Golly, my cheekbones will be really sore in the morning..., he thought, as he turns to leave.

He was already out of his apartment, running down the hall to catch the elevator. When the arcade is close to opening, no one really uses it but Felix, so it was free for him to use.

He climbs onto the elevator, pressing the button that'll take him down to the lobby. The doors shut closed, as the lift took him down. I just hope something new would be in store for me real soon..., Felix sighed, as he was being carried down for what would feel like a long work day.


End of Part-

Woo! Well then, not the most climatic intro to this story! If you are a new reader, I'd like to let you know that I always start with some small exposition first to ease into my stories.

So, what do you think so far? I know, I know; Felix really needs some therapy! Besides that though, is there anything you'll be expecting from this fanfic?

I really am glad though to finally post this first chapter, as I have something special in-store with this fanfic! In the meantime though, I'll be juggling this, "A Candy-CODED Love", and another possible WIR fanfic I plan on working on, so wait times in between both of my current fanfic updates may be a bit slower than usual.

In the meantime, have a good day or night to you all! Love ya! X3

Fix-It Felix Jr. (A WIR AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora