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What if you were THE MAN?

Now granted, the government, mass media, corporations, banks and the churches using fear and war mongering as a matter of course, are only doing what they exist to do...

And ultimately that is CONTROL THE PEOPLE. No matter how nefarious their machinations may seem, it often pays to put yourself in Societies shoes and recognize the very real negative ramifications of being the hand full of or even, God forbid! the ONE MAN in charge of controlling...

7,000,000,000 and counting screaming, crying, hungry, needy, God damned Human Beings. ALL of them want houses and cars and education and technology and sex and freedom and love and happiness...

Now, let's just say, for the sake of argument, that you, reading this post are THE MAN. You're sitting at your holographic control terminal, watching all these people living on a planet in the globally warming grip of a mad Mother Nature and THAT bitch is not about to do you ANY favors ever...

Mother Nature may not be evil but she sure does a SHITLOAD more genocidal damage in her Indifference to the human enormity she extinguishes when she loses her shit...

Gets mad...

And drowns hundreds of thousands under tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes and volcanoes...

It's not NICE to FOOL Mother Nature...

Then, you got the Grays emailing you constantly, you gotta FIX this social shit storm before they'll offer any more assistance while the Reptilians are spoiling to just move in and eat everybody...

The Vatican's no help, they're too busy dealing with the religious shit storm THEY'VE created over the course of their two thousand years of religious crusading, and Islam is too busy killing everybody not THEM to even give a shit...

And now you're getting reports that the Annunakian home world, the roaming Niburian Solar System in orbit of the dark star Nemesis is on the damn MOVE again and THESE cats scare the bejeebers out of both the Grays AND the Reptiles...

And it's up to YOU to control all this. You're looking at all this fucking MONEY that's got everybody all fucked up and fooled and it's all WORTHLESS. Nobody even knows you really exist because you're THE MAN, just a conspiracy theory, the NWO is your sham of a vision for world peace. It's been in place this whole time and NOBODY REALIZES IT because it's all just a mass media fueled nightmare that the World is ever waiting to awaken from...

And all the money in the world will not buy you the sanity of the human race...

What are you gonna do?

How do you proceed?

If you're THE MAN in control?

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