I checked my phone to get myself to believe that the news I just watched were real. The headlines read: CITY OVERRUN WITH INFECTED, PANIC SPEADS WORLDWIDE, THE GOVERNOR HAS CALLED A STATE OF EMERGENCY.

I ran immediately to turn off the lights, the TV, and made sure that I locked every door and window. I asked Nami to go upstairs with a flashlight to turn off the lights there. I texted all of our relatives asking if they could somehow get us or try to reach for our parents.

"Nana, I'm scared." Nami whispered as she held the hem of my sweater.

"Me too, baby." I bent down and held her face to look at me. "Now let's go over to Mr. and Mrs. Jung, ok? And wait 'till mommy and daddy arrive home."

Nami nodded a yes and I smiled at her.

We heard a car stopped outside so I dragged Nami to check it out.

It was Mr. Jung. He'd just come home.

"Perfect. Let's go."

Nami jumped onto me and I carried her as we went outside to Mr. Jung who was just coming out of his car.

He was walking in a weird manner. He was limping and kept holding his head like a drunk person.

"Nami go back and lock the door and don't open unless it's me."


"Go now." I put her down and she ran back into the house.

The sound of the loud bang made Mr. Jung glance to my direction. Though it was dark, there was enough illumination from the street light for me to see his bulging red eyes. I tried to keep calm as I know he couldn't do anything to me or get to me because of the brick fence separating us.

"Mr. Jung? Hi, it's Nara. Sorry to bother you at this time but my sister and I—"

Mr. Jung seemed to not listen and he lowered his head to glare at me, grunting.

"Mr. Jung? Hello?" I tried once again then he started to run to me.

Well, shit.

I ran back to the house and saw Nami standing by the window looking at me and she rushed to open the door. I slammed the door close and locked it.

Mr. Jung kept banging on our door. The loud banging made Nami cry in fear.

I just wished he didn't go berserk on our windows and break in.

After a while the banging stopped. I checked my phone as I was still calming down my crying sister.

"Oh ok here is what we are gonna do. Aunt Yuri is going to pick us up, she'll arrive soon. Now can you be brave for me and get the biggest backpack that you have?"

Nami nodded and did exactly as she was told to.

Right when we finished packing up essential items, we heard a car arrived. Followed by a gun shot.

Aunt Yuri arrived.

I got a confirmation text that it was her so we both dashed outside, skipped over Mr. Jung's body, and got into the car.

"Where the hell are your parents?"

My palms were sweaty. I clenched my fists to make it stop from shaking so much. "They haven't picked up any calls or texted back since 8pm."

Aunt Yuri hit the gas and I put on seatbelt. I glanced at the backseat to tell Nami to put her seatbelt on but she beat me to it.

"Well, let's just pray they're alright. They're smart so you have nothing to worry about."

Strange Land || SKZ Lee KnowTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang