"I can't tell you that,"

Rex smirked and made a fist, then punched Lux once again, "You can and you will,"

Bonteri spit out a glob of blood and coughed. He looked at the clone in front of him who had the look of death in his eyes. Lux sighed, "Look, it's to complicated to describe right now. I have a data pad with a map and stuff,"

"Yeah I know. I have it, but it's password protected. So what's the code?" Rex pulled out the data out of a bag.

"... Yeah I don't wanna tell you," he saw Rex raise an eyebrow and flex his fingers, ".... but I will so you won't beat me up again. It's, uhh, well, type in your wife's name and then— oh for the love of— please don't hit me,"

"It's real tempting not to,"

Rex typed it in, but it said it was wrong, "Either you misspelled her name-,"

"No I didn't tell you all of it,"

"Why the kriff not?"

Lux looked down, "sixty nine,"

"Excuse me?"

"Put sixty nine after her name, no spaces no capitals,"

Rex was confused, but then he remembered Fives talking about that number and his body just moved on its own and the next thing he knew he was pummeling the crap out of Lux.

Cody was walking down a hallway when he saw Ahsoka coming his direction. He noticed she wasn't looking at him so he stopped her, "Hey, uh. Have you seen Rex anywhere? I was wanting to talk to him about—,"

"No I haven't seen him," Ahsoka kept her head down, pushing past him and she continued on walking.

Cody rose an eyebrow. What was that about? "Commander wait," he turned and jogged up to her, "Is everything okay?"

"Everything is fine. Lay off," she said bitterly.

Sheesh. "Oh, okay," he blinked a few times before turned on his heels and heading off to go talk to Obi-Wan.

As Cody was on his way to Obi-Wan, he started to wonder if Ahsoka and Rex were okay. He thought maybe they'd gotten into another argument or something and the reason he couldn't reach him was because his comm was turned off.  He got to the briefing room his general was in and he saw Obi-Wan staring at a holomap stroking his beard. Kenobi looked up, "Cody, anything I can do for you?"

"Uh no. Well actually yes. Is Ahsoka alright?" He walked to the opposite end of the holotable.

"Yes she fine, why?"

"I dunno, she was, how do I say this nicely, a bit... harsh towards me. Is she mad at me or is it something else,"

"Oh. Believe me, it's something else that you don't want to be a part of,"

"What is it?"

"Blast, I've already said too much. Don't worry about it. You know what? Everything is fine," he said with a big smile.

Cody furrowed his brow, "Okay that is the fakest smile ever. What's really going on? I'd like to be a part of this and not be left in the dark,"

"Look, I can't tell you."

"Wh— is it a surprise?"

Obi-Wan scoffed, "Hardly. We just don't want you getting involved in this,"

"So it's Rex,"

"Now hold on, I didn't say that,"

"But it would make sense. You not wanting me to get involved and why Ahsoka was snappy- oh Force is he in trouble,"

We'll Get Though This Together (A Rexsoka Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now