Part 55

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Months Later
I'm going to do like 1 Week before the birth as really , all the chapters would just be about being pregnant .so I'm doing a time skip so She could have the baby

I woke up and I felt arms wrapped around me. Quintons hand was on my belly and it was so cute. I heard his cute little snores. I turned around and saw his messy black hair in the way. I moved it out of his face and just admired him
Q- Are you going to continue staring at me ?
He said with his eyes still closed
C- I wasn't staring baby, I just moved your hair out of your face
Q- Sure you were
C- don't believe me
Q- *Lightly laughs *
C- I'm going to go get dressed
Q- okay
I walked into my closet and got dressed into comfy clothes.
I went downstairs and I sat in the kitchen by the counter, and just went on my phone.
Later on Quinton came and he started to get pans out of the cupboard
C- What are you doing?
Q- I'm going to make Breakfast for you
C- I'm not hungry
Q- Well the baby is
C- *Sighs* Okay
Whilst Quinton was making breakfast. All the sway boys started to come into the kitchen and make there selves food
J-you  know what I realised ?
C- mhm what ?
J- Is that you didn't think of a name for the baby
C- You think I didn't notice
By now all the boys were engaged and started to think of names
B- How about Lexi?
Q- mmm no
Whilst all of the guys were thinking of names , I was thinking of some too and I remembered how my mom always told me that when I have a girl in the future , she always wanted me to call it Cora
C- How about Cora ?
Q- ... I actually like that name, what made you think of that name ?
C- My mom always said that when I have a child , she  wants it to start with a C . And she always wanted Cora
J- I remember
C- *Smiles*
B- not going to lie, I really like that name
All of the boys , really and I mean really liked that name
C- but if Quinton doesn't like it then we can think of something else
Q- no no no , I like Cora
C- really ?
Q- yes
He picked me up and span me around hugging me
C- Cora it is
Q- *Smiles* I love you
C- I love you too

I went up to room and I started to pack my hospital bag with all the essentials as I could have this baby any time. As i was packing the bags Quinton later came in.

Q- Hey baby
C- * Smiles* Hey
He came and sat beside me and started to fold some of the clothes and put some toiletries into a mini bag.
Q- Excited?
C- Yes but mostly terrified
Q- There is nothing to worry about , I will be beside you throughout the whole thing
C- Promise?
Q- I promise
C- Okay
Q- You know what we should do?
C- mmm What?
Q- Lets go to the store and buy some clothes for Cora.
C- We already have loads of clothes
Q- I know but I still think she needs more when she is born.
C- * Giggles* But I'm tired
Q-You have been staying here way too much... You and I are going somewhere other than this hell hole.
C- *Laughs* Okay
I got up and me and Quin left the house going to lots and I mean lots of stores. 
Time went by and I got pretty tired so we decided to head home.
When we got home I just dropped onto my bed. I was extremely tired but before I dozed off. I just hopped into shower and then went to sleep. Later on I heard Quinton coming into my room and he went under the sheets and wrapped his arm around my waist.
A couple minutes later I dozed of to sleep.

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