Part 16

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I woke up hearing someone beside me . I panicked and immediately shot up from bed .
Q- hey baby relax , it's me
C- geez I thought it was a stranger
Q- sorry
C- it's fine ... how long have you been here and what are you even doing here ?
Q- I've been here for an hour waiting for you to wake up and I think something is wrong
C- you think ?
Q- Baby what's up with you ?
C- nothing!
Q- don't be stupid, just tell me what's wrong !
He said it in a high tone
C- stop shouting at me
Q- what am I supposed to do , your ignoring me , your not talking to me at all...!!!!!!
C- just stop .....Your complaining that I'm ignoring you when I'm not . Your the one ignoring me . Ever since Tristan showed her ass at the door your up all over her . You didn't even have to balls to tell Tristan to get out the seat , so you could  sit next to your girlfriend ....,
Q- baby I'm.....
C- no you don't get it , I've been left out since the day she showed up and you didn't even wait for me when I went to the car , or you didn't come to my room when I got my food , and only person who did was Jaden , and he's there for me , but clearly you aren't , oh and also she seemed real touchy last night On live
Q- I didn't even ask her to come , she just invited herself in the room and your just acting Jealous
C- excuse me ?! I'm not jealous , I love you but I don't think you do . I finally got back with the guy I love , but then something comes in the way like it always does
Then Tristan came in the room
T- is now a bad time ??
C- actually ye.....
Q- no I'm just leaving
He walked out the room , and Tristan stayed
T- look I don't know what's going on with you guys but I'm just saying stay out of my way ?
C- excuse me.?
T- i said stay out of my way , me and Quin have got rlly close and listening to the argument you guys had , I think it's time you move on
C- your 19 , he's too young for you
T- and your 17, your not good enough
C- fuck you
I slapped her that left  a mark on her cheek
T- what was that for ?!
C- I just felt like it
She was about to punch me, but I grabbed her hand and twisted it and she winced in pain .
C- look.....the last time you saw me , I was a weak bitch , yeah I know , but now that the years gone by , I became a different person and you don't want to mess with me .
I let go of her and she rolled her eyes and left the room . I couldn't hold it in anymore , I just bursted out crying , I walked to the bathroom and locked the door
⚠️Trigger Warning ⚠️
I got out my blades out the draws and started to add small cuts on my arms . I was crying and I just wish that I won't be left out . Like they are acting as if I don't exist and I just had an argument with Quin ,I threatened my sister , Josh hasn't even talked to me and neither had any of the boys except Jaden. I wiped the blood of my arms and put on a hoodie . I went downstairs to get a bottle of water and I heard faint Crying. I walked over to see Tristan crying and the boys comforting her
T- I didn't even know why she did it
J- Crystal why did you slap Tristan ?! Your own sister
C- emm because she pissed me off
J- you shouldn't hit her , she cares about you and you don't
C- you think she cares about me ?! Where have you been my whole life ?? Oh wait , when I was at home you were here in LA partying , not worrying about me , living your luxury life . I was travelling everywhere because of my career and she was always stuck up her butt and following me around begging for money and clout , so... is that what you call a sister ?
J- .....
C- I though so
T- well I mean when I got here , Josh seemed rlly happy that I was here . And so was Quinton ... your ???? Boyfriend??? Or not anymore?
I walked up to her about to hit her but Bryce gripped onto my  arm and I flinched
B- firstly don't do anything stupid and second I didn't even hold you that hard
Josh looked at me concerned
J- Crystal lift up your sleeves
C- why ?
J- just do it
Everyone was looking at us
C- no I'm not comfortable doing that
J- why ?
C- long story
J- don't be stupid , just lift up your sleeves
C- I don't want to !
J- okay sorry geez
Then Tristans phone rang
T- you guys i have good news . My manager says I'm staying in La for a month !
J- I thought your only staying for a couple days
T- that's what I thought but he extended the dates .
Q- that's great news . Wanna watch a movie with me tonight ?
T- I would love too
C- you realise I'm still here ?
Q- so ??
C- whatever
Quinton and Tristan left to go to the store to get snacks . I just slightly teared up
Ja- hey let's go outside
Me and Jaden went outside and dipped our feet in the pool
Ja- look Tristan is a Bitch , she thinks I like her as a friend but I don't , I don't even want her here today and just in general .
I started to Cry
C- I don't want to be seen as an attention seeker , but I hate being left out . It's like people don't even know me and I don't  know what me and Quinton are at this point
Ja- do you love him ?
C- with all my heart
Ja- then you go to tell him
C- I already did when we had the argument this morning , before he was about to say something , Tristan came in my room and started to talk shit saying to stay out of Her way . Then I slapped her and threatened her not to mess with me . I'm a horrible person
Ja- no your not , look at me ..... Your not a horrible person , your amazing , your just looking out for yourself and keep doing that , don't listen to what that bitch has to say .
C- thank you for everything
I hugged him and we stayed like that for 2 minutes .
C- we should probably head back inside , Im getting cold here
Ja- here take my hoodie
C- Im already wearing one *giggles*
Ja- a second one won't hurt
C- no , because then you will be cold
Ja- I never get cold
C- True , your always Shirtless
We both laugh
He gave me his hoodie and I put it on
It was dark out so we were just star-gazing
C- Jaden thank you for being their for me
Ja- no problem sis
C- Anyways we should head back inside  it's getting really cold and I don't think a third hoodie is going to save me
Ja- sure let's head back inside . Also .... I heard you crying last night
C- how did you hear me , it was like at 2am
Ja- I couldn't fall asleep and I walked past your room and heard you , but I didn't want to come in , because I thought you would get pissed at me for being a clingy best friend
C- look.... your just the right amount of clingy *laughs*
Ja- okay , ima go to bed , but if your upset or need someone to talk to then text me , and I don't care if it's in the middle of the night , just call whenever .
C- okay goodnight
Ja- night
I walked past Quintons room to see him and Tristan cuddled up watching a movie . I started to tear up and then Quinton saw me and I immediately walked away and went to my room .
Quintons Pov
Me and Tristan were watching a movie after hearing news that she is staying longer . I'm quite happy as she is rlly fun to be around with . 
I saw Crystal by my door and I could see the pain in her eyes. She saw me looking at her and she immediately left . Then after 3 minutes Jaden came in my room
Q- sup
Ja- bro You messed up
T- should I leave?
Ja- that's an obvious answer
She left
Q- dude wtf , you can't just kick her out of my room
Ja- look bro , you messed up . Crystal is always Crying . She is left out by everyone . They are all acting like she doesn't exist. She loves you with all her heart but you clearly can't accept it . Is their something going on with you and Tristan and are u and Crystal even together ??
Q- their is nothing going on with me and Tristan and I had an argument with Crystal this morning and I don't know where we are at this point . But what's going on with you and Crystal ?
Ja- what are you talking about ?
Q- you going up to her room in the evening , giving her your hoodie . Getting closer huh ?
Ja- you know I'm dating Mads and I love crystal in a best friend way . At least I'm their for her , unlike some people . You don't know Tristan . She just made a different impression on you than her .
Then he left . He was right . I'm such a horrible person . I need to fix things. Then later Tristan came in
T- hey should we continue watching the movie ?
Q- actually I'm pretty tired , I'm going to bed
T- oh okay goodnight handsome
Q- ......... goodnight
She left
Tristans Pov
Jaden kicked me out of Quins room so I just waited in the living area . I'm realising this whole situation is breaking Crystal , so I'm going to post a photo that me and him took earlier .
Anyways I saw Jaden leave his room so I walked back in
T- hey should we continue watching the movie ??
Q- Actually I'm pretty tired, I'm going to bed
T- okay goodnight Handsome
Q- ......... Goodnight
Ugh Bitch , I expected Him to say something nice back to me . Clearly I need to satisfy him more . I walked to the guest room and went to bed.
Back to Crystals POV
I got notifications from fans telling me to look on Tristans Post

 Back to Crystals POV I got notifications from fans telling me to look on Tristans Post

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Tagged- @qgriggs —Love you bestie

CrystalRichards- R u guys a thing now ??
Replied by qgriggs- no. Why would you think that ??
Jxdn- Quin , u messed up
Crystalfan- what is Jaden talking about !!
Hater- shippp
Replied by qgriggs- No.
Replied by TristanRichards- yes 😏
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I was pissed of but I'm just going to sleep on it . And you guess it , I cried myself to sleep 😞


Holy smokes , I think this is the longest chapter I wrote .what do you guys think about this chapter ?? I'm quite proud of myself about this one 😂
Also your welcome to add some ideas , to add more spice 😏

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