shoulder blue and white gingham summer dress. England's cold was nothing compared to 

Russia. Summer here was actually warmer. Besides, it felt nice to show some skin. I breezed out

into the hall wearing strappy brown wedges and proceeded to head downstairs with the maid in


I glided into the sitting room and made a production of thanking the maid for her service in front

of them. Vlad's face grew stormy, Clarissa's was red-faced with shame and His Royal Asshole...

he was smiling.

No mention was made about the slight and I was offered a seat and we chatted about the most

boring subjects imaginable, the weather, horses, dogs (I discovered Vlad took care of the wolves

on his property, so that was at least new) needlepoint, (I thank God that Vlad didn't think that

was something I had to learn.) and children.

The last wasn't so boring, especially when I discovered Clarissa was barren. Charles spoke about

his children and since I was neither taught nor informed beforehand, I had casually asked

about her children. The room was so silent I could hear the slight wheeze when Charles took a 

breath. Slowly as if speaking to a child...or a simpleton, she explained that she was childless. 

Then the sound resumed and with it my boredom.

The hour ended, and I asked to take a stroll on the grounds, another breach as I shouldn't have

to ask. Vlad took my hand, placed in the crook of his arm and we left the room together. I knew

he meant it as a show of support rather than an affectionate gesture. Once we were in the

gardens, I found he had another purpose for tagging along.

One out of sight, he disentangled our arms and clasped his hands behind his back, "This dress 

looks beautiful on you."

"Thank you."

Keeping his hands behind his back, he gestured with his chin, "There is a gazebo ahead."

So, why the hell was he telling me this? I wondered. Then when we approached, I saw a tall

hedge wall.

"It's through a maze." He informed me softly when I gave him a puzzled look. "I'm going to give

you a head start. If you make it through the maze to the gazebo the reward will be of your 

choosing, if you don't then the reward will be of my choosing, agreed?"

I frowned, "Why do I get the feeling you've played this game before?" 

He smirked, "That's why I'm giving you the head start. To be fair."

"Nothing you do is ever fair," I whined. "you always seem to have a trick up your sleeve."

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