so this went well..

Start from the beginning

Ross walks over to the chair and sits next to laura

"Thanks doll." Ross says while placing a hand on her thigh

"Mhm." Laura says while nervously smiling

"Ross. Lynch.?" Amy says while looking at him

"That's me." Ross says while looking at her confused

"Oh my god. How are you? It's been too long stranger." Amy says while looking at ross

"Do we know eachother?" Ross says while looking at her

"We went to high school together! Remember?" Amy says while getting excited

"Oh yeahhhh. We did." Ross says while looking away

"You were so hot. I used to touch myself in third period when you would get kicked out of class. UGHH good times!" Amy says while slamming her hands on the table

Keep it together laura. It's not a real date. Its fake. Don't do anything stupid or anything you'll regret just don't say a word. WELL NO INNER THOUGHTS I HAVE TO TALK.

"Honeybear. Laur?" Ross says while tapping her shoulder

"Mhm. What?" I say while snapping out of it

"I said are you getting your plate or do you want me to grab you one?" Ross says while standing up

"Just get me one." Laura says with a whisper

"Keep my seat warm for me." Ross says while leaning down to kiss her cheek

"You got it." Laura says while taking a sip of her wine

"So lauren?" Amy asks while looking at laura

"It's laura." Laura says while smiling

"Oh my gosh. So sorry! I was just wondering is ross good in bed?" Amy says while looking over at ross

"O-oh pshh Y-yeah. He rocks my W-world. Sex is really good with him. He just knows how to make a girl go fucking C-crazy." Laura says while biting her lip

"I would love to have him rock my world someday." Amy says while looking at laura

"So im gonna go to the bathroom." Laura says while standing up

Ross notices her walking towards the bathroom and looks at amy

"Hey ross. Look over here." Amy says while pulling her shirt down

"CALUM WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN YOUR ROOM?" Ross says while yelling

"Changing!" Calum says while walking out

"Im gonna ride you so good tonight baby." Amy says while winking at calum

Why am I feeling so weird... why do i feel like i need to punch the shit out of amy? Why am I hiding in our bathroom. My thoughts are interrupted by the door opening.

"What are you doing?" Ross asks while walks in

"Shut the door." Laura whispers

Ross shuts the door and walks closer

"Don't." Laura says while looking at the floor

"Why not?" Ross says while stepping closer

"I can't." Laura says while looking up at him

Ross walks up to her and looks down at her

"You can't what?" Ross says while placing a hand on her waist

"You drive me." Laura whispers under her breath

"Where to?" Ross says while leaning in

"No." Laura says with a whisper

"What do you mean?" Ross says while leaning in closer

"Ross." Laura says while whispering

"Laura?" Ross says while chuckling

Laura wraps her arms around his shoulders and leans in

"Oh." Ross says with a whisper

HIII LOVELIESSS I UPDATEDD!!! I know what ya thinking...

WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG TO UPDATE?? Guys I honestly didn't know how I wanted this chapter to go but I HOPE you guys liked it!

What do you guys think is gonna happen next?

Alsoooo happyyy Fridayyy my loves! I love you all so so much and I hope you guys know I appreciate you all SO MUCH!

Don't forget to vote, comment,and follow me!

Seeya in the next chapter!

Bye lovelies💗



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