Draco sighs and lays in his bed. He can't believe how much hes fallen for Harden in just the little time he's known him.

Draco closes his eyes and fall into a blissful dream about a certain silver eyed boy.

A couple hours later Draco wakes up and sees all the beds empty accept one. He fondly rolls his eyes as he notices half of Hardens body hanging off the bed and his blankets tangled around his legs. He slightly blushes as he realizes Harden doesn't have a shirt on

He quietly gets out of bed and doesn't bother waking up the silver eyed boy since it's Saturday and he wants to talk to his godfather.

He gets ready and goes to the common room telling the other Slytherins his plan and they agree to not wake Harden up.

Draco makes his way to his godfathers champers and says the password before walking in.

"Sev!" He yells when he doesn't see his godfather anywhere in sight

Severus looks up from his potion when he hears his godsons yell. He makes his way to the living room,knowing his godson wouldn't leave from there unless Severus told him he could

"What are you doing here Draco?" Severus questions confused. They usually plan their meeting days.

"I uhm need help with something" Draco says with a shy smile

Severus looks at his godson with an even more confused expression. He's known his godson all his life and not once has he been shy about something

"Hardens been stressed lately and some nights he has trouble sleeping and singing and playing the piano help him calm down and help him think better so I want to set a piano and microphone somewhere in the common room" Draco says with a small blush as he looks at his godfather with pleading eyes

"Of course Draco,you head back to the common room and make room in a corner while I go buy everything" Severus says with a small smile. If one of his snakes need help,he'd do anything to help them and Harden has proved he's all Royal with no ounce of Potter in him.

Severus chuckles when his godson gives him a hug and happily runs out the door. He doesn't know whats going on with Harden and his godson but he has a feeling Harden would never let anyone he cares about get hurt and from what Severus has seen, Harden cares a lot about Draco.

When he enters the common room he tells everyone in the common room what Severus said and they all move stuff around until they make a big space in the corner closest to the front.

30 minutes later Severus walks in and takes out a shrunken piano and microphone set up and sets the piano against the corner with the microphone on a stand next to it before he changes them back to their normal sizes.

"Who's going to wake him up?" Blaise questions nervously

Everyone looks at Draco and he looks at them betrayed

"Why me?!" Draco ask with a small pout

"Because your the only one he's not mean to. Last time he growled at me,he tried to bite Theo,and he's nearly punched the other boys" Blaise tells his friend

"Bu-" Draco starts with a small frown. No one likes waking Harden up.

"GO!" All the boys in the common room yell and let out small laughs when Draco stomps up the stairs

"What was that about?" Severus questions his snakes in amusement

"It's nearly impossible to wake Harden up and when we do everyone accept Draco usually gets growled at,hit,or nearly losses a hand" Blaise explains

Severus raises an eyebrow but doesn't ask anything else.

Everyone looks towards the stairs when they hear a scream and loud footsteps.

Draco runs in and hides behind Severus,causing the man to look at him in confusion before he sees a shirtless Harden covered in water

Harden looks around for his mate and when he spots him behind Severus he lets out a growl and slowly walks towards him before he spots the piano and microphone.

He looks at them with a confused head tilt and turns back to Severus,looking at him in confusion

"Those weren't always there right?" Harden ask. He knows he can be oblivious to his surroundings sometimes but he's pretty sure he would of noticed a piano and microphone being in the common room

"No Mr.Royal,they were not but Mr.Malfoy here thought they should be added and just as long as you actually use them I have no problem with them being here" Severus explains as he steps to the side so Harden can see Draco

Harden stares at his mate with love filled eyes before he rushes towards him and pulls him into a big hug

"Thank you" Harden whispers softly into his mates ear causing Draco to smile brightly

"Thank you too Sev,there both great" Harden says as he inspects the piano and microphone after letting go of the now wet Draco

"Well why don't you show us how well they work?" Severus says with a small smile. He's never heard the boy play or sing so he's taking this as his chance to finally hear the boys voice.

"N-now?" Harden ask with wide eyes. He's never sang infront of so many people before.

"You have an amazing voice Harden so you have nothing to worry about and I know the other Slytherins will love it" Draco tells the silver eyed boy reassuringly

"Okay" Harden says nervously before sitting down on the piano bench and making sure the microphone was close enough to hear him. He takes a deep breath before starting.

When he's done he opens his eyes and blushes when everyone starts clapping and whistling

"I'm glad I agreed to do this Mr.Royal,your truly do have a talented voice" Severus tells the young boy with a small smile

Harden smiles brightly at the man before pulling him into a hug

"Thank you Sev,this means a lot to me" Harden says truthfully. It really does mean a lot to him. He was felling so worried and stressed lately and this helped him a lot.

"It was my pleasure Harden,I'm just glad I could help Slytherin's king" Severus tells the boy with a small smile as he softly hugs the boy back. After realizing Harden was no where near being a Potter he's come to know the boy better and he's glad to have someone like Harden in his life. He started caring about Harden in almost a fatherly way.

Harden lets out a laugh and pulls away,giving the man one last smile before he goes and sits next to his mate on the couch,setting his head on his lap.

Draco smiles down at the silver eyed boy that he's come to love in just the little time he's known him. He runs his fingers through Hardens hair and can't help but think it's just as soft as his fur. He watches as Hardens nose cutely crinkles when he laughs at something Blaise says and how he actually seems interested in what Pansy has to say even if she's talking about the latest makeup product.

He loves how Harden seems to truly care about every single Slytherin and trys to make everyone feel involved in the conversation. He loves how Harden seems to have the brightest smile and softest eyes. He loves how Harden looks like he can tear his enemy's apart without mercy but also have one of the biggest and kindest hearts hearts known to man. He loves how Harden always sleeps with his shirt off and how he always wakes up to Harden laying in the weirdest position on his bed. He loves how Harden doesn't take his anger out on those who don't deserve it and he loves how Harden respects everyone and treats everyone the same. He loves the powerful and scary side of Harden just as much as he loves the sweet and childish side of him. He loves Hardens bright smile. He loves Harden silver eyes that always reminds him of the moon. He loves Hardens soft hair thats the blackest color he's ever seen. He's in love with every little thing about Harden.

He's falling for a boy who can turn into a 12ft and 5in wolf and he doesn't even mind.

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