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     People are fun. This is not a very well known fact. People are egotistical and self-centered. This is a very well known fact.

     People think that they, as humans, are so complex and individual and have their own tastes, likes, and dislikes. This may be true, but when you take a particular culture or group of people, they all grow up hearing the same things, and going to the same education system, and doing the same activities. This creates fully fledged human beings who are virtually the same, with respect to a few physical differences from nutrition intake, well-being, etcetera.

     Now, I'm not trying to say that every person on earth is the same. Each person, individually, has unique experiences based upon their outlook on life, their pasts, the environment, and just about any other factor that could possibly affect the human brain.

     Psychologically, however, humans are indifferent in some aspects. Some are mentally stronger than others. Some have emotional boundaries in place in fear of feeling negatively. Some have felt so much loss that they cannot comprehend the emotion anymore.

     At this point, any dear reader reading this might think of how contradictory all of this sounds. Afterall, this story begins talking about how weak people are, and then spirals into a mess of words displaying the vast amount of reasons why they are not. This is very understandable and normal, I can assure you, reader.

     Now, back on point. Human psychology is one of the simplest fields to study. Why? Because we are human. To quote the writings of Stephen Moffat in the first episode of the acclaimed television show Sherlock, "I know how people think, and I know how people think I think".

     Dear reader, psychology is so simple because rather than thinking directly about what they are thinking, think about what you're thinking. You are human as they are. You both have similar sex drives, thinking channels, and brains. Your brain is most likely almost exactly the same as the brain of any person you talk to.

     There are simple tricks and practices that can be applied to many situations in order to increase your psychological prowess. For example, however cliché it may sound, putting yourself in other peoples' situation. Keep in mind this does not work for all people. As mentioned before, certain people will experience certain emotions and situations as others will not.

     For maximum effect of this technique, you should experience both extremes of the emotional spectrum: Loss and love. It sounds like something from a movie, yes, but it works better than any tip a textbook can give you. To obtain these emotions, try to engage in a passionate, loving relationship, and get close to someone and have them die, leave, or something of that like.

     But how does all of this relate to fun and games? Well, psychology is a very versatile art. It can be used as both an aid and a weapon. Psychology can keep a man from suicide, and make one commit it.

     With very few words or gestures, you could convince someone that there is nothing for them in this world. Then all it takes is a couple feet of rope and a ceiling fan. Likewise, a couple words and gestures can make someone reconsider death as a future and continue their life.

     In some fairly recent anatomic studies show that the human brain can be rewired, much to the like of a circuit board. This practice ignores all moral values, emotional boundaries, and any mental strength at all. It can inspire hate, love, mental disorders, and can affect just about any mental function known to humans as a species. It can also affect any physical motion as well. Anything from leg movement to muscle spasms can be triggered or rewired using this treatment.

     So, bringing all of this to the foreground, humans are mentally weak and frail compared to how they see themselves. It doesn't matter if you think you're strong, or untouchable, or different, because you really aren't. Just like anyone, you can be destroyed with just a few words. For example, "You did this to me".

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