Its all in the cards

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I'm not really great at making stories but I'll try my best :^)

Present time... what currently is happening is the world is close to the end. Just what is happening? How and when... and why.

Your unit is tasked to infiltrate the enemy base, gather intel whatever it is... no matter what tactics, no matter the method, get in there and get it done, atleast that's what the head command told you. Heck, how are you even forced in this mission and this unit is beyond you. One day you are just a regular security guard at your family business then the next you are forcibly recruited... all against your wishes and your family's wishes. Perhaps they tracked what games I played? Call of duty and battlefield? But one thing is for certain... you are dead.

The enemies? Yeah believe it or not, monsters, they are just swarming everywhere randomly from these mysterious portal-holes. And they take whatever they can find: men, women, children...DARN EVEN IN MY GRAMPS' FARM THEY STOLE CATTLE AND SHEEP! These occurences happen rather quite random. Can be today and the next one may be tommorow or the day after, the longest recorded is a week and 3 days apart.

By some kind of method of science and consulting some "magicks" of some cults (heard from a rumor) apparently they can now predict where and when these portals can appear, accuracy being 30%. Well wtf, well atleast its not zero.

And the place of prediction is just somewhere around 7miles from your hometown, quite close and everyone within the 15mile radius are required to evacuate.

The unit you are leading is composed of 8 men, a mix of gamers/couch potatoes (but fit) and military personnel (6potatoes and 2 privates). But why you instead of the military personnel is leading? You don't know and they don't care, go figure.

"Alright, this is it team. Tommorow's our purge, I don't have the slightest shit on what's going on and why "us" but as team captain, I will do everything in my power to keep this unit safe, finish the mission, and we go home. We'll be green at 0300. Eat! lights out at 2030."

-Next day


"Alright! I hope you had your full coz it will be a long day and that MREs' just gonna last you for 2 days. Buckle up, we'll be moving in 10minutes. Check your gear, ammo, everything.

"Moveout!" (You are the driver)

Kills engine "*whisper* Going dark, move on me. Line up! Alright, these areas are swarming with pink mists according to the reports, I dont wanna risk it and neither should you, masks on but eyes open."

You decide to split your unit in three groups, three members, can't risk the enemy spotting you in a huddle, worst case scenario, a group will be wiped out and the rest completes the mission. Each group is led by you and two other privates

"Team Beta, approach the location from the west. Team Charlie and us Alpha will approach from the east, then us alpha will continue heading south of the location. Half mile radius apart, check your radars."

"What's the signal sir?" Asked Beta private.

You take a blade of grass. "One whistle: close to the location, two whistles: in position and three whistles will only be done by me: Push forward, not before or after. In case I'm taken out, at exactly 0400: charge through."

"Can we just use our radios sir?" Asked by a member of my team.

"If only that we could, for some reason when a portal opens, signals are disrupted and may even malfunction our device. About time you asked, as we approach our respective locations, radios and radars off. Count to 0400 or something, your call. Once were in, that's the only time when we can turn on our radios. Alright no more questions, move out!"

It's all in the cardsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz