Authors note

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Dear readers,

Okay so I haven't been able to update this story as much as I would want to, and I blame myself, because it is my fault. I've been busy, and pretty much lazy for the last few days? But anyway I don't know if people are actually reading this or not, and people aren't I don't see a point in posting anymore.

I mean it's not like I don't want to keep writing this story, because I actually love it! I just wanna know whether you as a reader like this story. If you do I will gladly continue to write it, but if not that's okay. I won't get mad. I will keep updating, but they will be slow updates.

Okay so here's the deal. If you like my story, want me to continue writing it, and have fast updates; vote on this 'part' or just comment. Once you do tell people about this story. I promise to update at least 3 times a week. I'll dedicate my time more on this for sure.

So that's all I wanted to tell you guys. Hopefully you like this story, and want meto continue with it. I'll be posting chapter 7 in an hour or so.

I'll delete this later... Sorry for bothering really.


Skaterboyniall xxxx

P.s I love you guys more than anything in the world x

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