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"Harry is a total dipshit for doing this to Niall." I told Zayn.

"How do you know it's all Harry's fault?" Zayn asked.

"I saw part of it happen and it wasn't pretty." I answered him.

"Explain." Zayn said.

"I was walking around backstage when I heard yelling. I recognized it as Harry's voice, so I went to see what was going on. I saw Harry with Niall alone in a hallway. Harry was yelling about god knows what, but the poor kid, Niall, looked as if he was going to cry. I never expected Harry acting this way towards anyone really. When Harry stopped yelling he faced the other way. I saw Niall he didn't look so hot. I heard him call out to Harry and when he turned around he was falling. That's when I came in to help." Louis explained.

"Wow, you're right. What a douche." He said with a disgusted look.

We kept looking for Niall after that conversation. Since we looked all around backstage and found nothing we almost decided to give up.

"God I give up." I say.

"I know me too. It looks like Niall doesn't want to be found. I don't blame him, but we got to keep looking!"

"Okay! okay. Let's keep looking even though I'm fucking hungry." I complained.


Chapter 4:

Zayn's POV:

"Should we split up?" I ask after another hour of searching for Niall.

"I don't know Zayn." Louis responded bored out of his mind.

"We have to find him. We're leaving soon to Peru." I said worried.

"We will dont worry." Louis said patting my back.

"He's not backstage, so where do we look now?" I ask Louis.

"Umm... lets go on stage and see if we can find him in the stadium." He suggested.

"Good idea!" I said smiling.

"What are we going to tell him when we find him. I don't think he's going to like us after last night." He said as we were on our way to the stage.

"Right, the concert." I sighed. What were we going to say?

Louis didn't say anything and neither did I. When we got on stage more than half of it was gone and packed ready for the next show.

"Okay Lou you look that way and ill look the other direction." I said.

"All I see is the crew there's no Niall." He sighed giving up.

I looked down at the floor seats of the stadium all the way to the upper section when my eyes saw something. It looked like a person. It was Niall.

"Oh my god, Lou. I found him!" I shouted pointing to where Niall was.

Louis looked up and smiled when he saw Niall.

"You found him Zayn! Lets go get him!" He exclaimed.

"No." I said.

"What? why?" Louis asked confused.

"He's going to run if we both to up. You stay here and check were he runs off if I don't make it to him, okay?" I suggested.

"Okay." He agreed giving me a thumbs up.

I made my way off the stage to go to the upper seats of the stadium to where Niall was at. I climbed up the stairs making my way to him.

When I got there he was crying, poor Niall.

Being Claustrophobic // Niall HoranTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon