*Velonica P.O.V*

  In going to do appearances in Kwon's lives while he's in Japan. (I was trying to stay away from him and now I'm going to be extra close. Why didn't this happen before Hiro!!??)

  I was sitting on Hiro's couch looking at a black TV screen. (How do I tell Hiro? He doesn't know that I've had a almost unsafe crush on Kwon. Would he be okay with it? Would he wasn't to come? Does he trust me enough?)
  A hands grabbed my shoulder and I looked up at Hiro. He bent down and kissed my nose. (I wonder if he died this because of morning breathe?)

  "What are you doing up?", he asked.

  (Tell him!!) " I got a call from Yohiro. ",I said truthfully.

  "What did he want?"

  (Tell him now!!!) "I'm going on a mini tour around Japan."

  "Really!? That's great! By yourself?" He jumped over the click and say next to me.

  (Do it!!!!!) "No with....", I hesitated. " With G-Dragon. "

  He looked confused. "Who the hell is that?"

  My mouth almost dropped. (Really!?) "He's a K-Pop star.", I

I said kinda quietly still in shock slightly.

  " oh.... But... Never mind. How long will you be gone? "

  (So many questions) "Um only like a couple weeks I think. I'm not absolutely sure.... It's only in Japan after all.

  He nodded and smiled. "Well none the less, I'm proud of you."

  I was taken back by those words. ("I'm proud of you") I kept saying those words over and over again in my head. I smiled and a warm year feel down my face.

    *Gackt P.O.V*

  I've been nothing but busy these last couple of months. Doing commercials, interviews, music videos, and appearances. I haven't had any time to talk to our see Velly. I haven't had any time since that night.

  So today I thought I'd go and part her another visit. I was walking up to her house when her grandmother came out. She didn't see me right away so I called or her name. "Grandma Chiero!"

  She jumped and looked around. She saw me standing a ways down from her waving. "Oh! Camui? What are you doing here?", she asked as she waked twords me.

  I met her half way and stood about 3 feet away from where she stood. " I came to see how Velonica was doing. It's been some time since I've seen her. Is she home? ",I asked enthusiastically.

  She put her hand to her mouth and shook her head. "No.. She hasn't been home in the past 3 days."

  "What!? Is she okay? Do you know where she is!?",I was becoming concerned. (3 days! No contact!?)

  " She's with her new boyfriend I assume. "

  Those words actually take hurt. (New boyfriend?) Someone else had their hands on my Velly. (Unacceptable!!) "Do you know her number... Better yet, his address?"

  "Well... I guess since you're her sensei... It would be alright..."

    *G-Dragon P.O.V*

  I'm going to be touring with Velonica for the next couple weeks. This was not my idea but... Maybe I can get closer to her. I was suppose to meet her tomorrow to go over details and stuff like that. But now I'm standing in the hallway of some adjustment waiting for Taeyang's friend to answer the door. I good she's really up to it. I hope she's up for me.

    *Velonica P.O.V*

  Me and Hiro were getting ready to leave. He wanted to take me out to celebrate. I told him we can't be long because I had a meeting with Yohiro in 3 hours.

  I heard voices or in the hall that faded as they walked away. I was dressed because I had some of my clothes at Hiro's when I didn't go home...
~(Don't get the wrong idea! We weren't sleeping together...I mean we are... But we're not... You know what I mean!) ~ I was sitting on the couch waiting for him to come out the bathroom.

  (Wow... A tour.. With Kwon... How'd they know I spoke any Korean!?) I was hard in thought when Hiro walked in front of me and said, "I'm ready, let's go."

  I stood and he opened the for for me to walk out. We began down the hall and ruined a corned. I stood frozen seeing Kwon stand it in the middle of the hall with Taeyang. I tried to go the opposite way but he saw me before I could get away.

  "Velly?", I heard him say.

  My back was turned to him and I slept turned around. "Hey, G." I said slightly guilty.

  "You know him?", Hiro asked.

  I just nodded. I classes my eyes to take a deep breathe.

  All of a sudden that breathe was knocked out of me by a strong hug. I opened my eyes and I could have thrown up right there. Here was Gackt beat hugging me in front of Hiro, my boyfriend and G-Dragon, my interest.

  (Great!! Could this get any better?) I thought sarcastically.

xX Velonica XxOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant