Baxter's Gambit

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There was complete silence in the dojo as Master Splinter moved behind Donnie, who narrowed his eyes in anticipation.

Splinter raised the wooden sword above his own head, ready to bring it down on Donnie's. Donatello moved just a little too late as the sword swung downward, and succeeded in delivering a painful blow.

"Aw, man..." Donnie rubbed his head, and moved back into the kneeling position, a sulky look on his face.

Mikey, who had been grinning, stiffened as Master Splinter moved on to him. The mutant rat raised the wooden sword. Mikey was especially high strung, flinching forward every second, and glancing behind anxiously. Soon, he said, "Just so we're clear, Sensei, you are planning on swinging right- Augh!" He cut off as the wood whacked him sharply on top of the head.

As Mikey rubbed his head, Splinter moved to Raph, who didn't move a muscle. Raph glanced behind, shoulders tensing, just when the sword swung down. "Ow!"

Leo was next, and he stayed relaxed as their Sensei lifted the sword. The sword swung downward, and Leo just managed to step and roll to the side.

"Yes!" The blue clad ninja fist pumped happily.

Splinter moved on to Emma was sitting there patiently waiting for the stick, a fly buzzes nearing her nose, the tickling of the fly caused her to sneeze just in the nick of time for her to teleport behind Splinter who brought the sword down.

"Did I win?" Emma asked excited.

"Not necessarily" Splinter smiles shaking his head. "Awww." Emma groaned.

"What is the point of this anyway?" Raph said to Master Splinter, not sounding too thrilled.

"Evading a sword you cannot see demonstrates an ability to sense your enemy's intentions," Splinter explained, showing the sword.

"I already know my enemy's intention, Sensei," Raph said, sounding exasperated. "To take me down."

"Knowing that your enemy will strike is a given," Splinter replied. "But sensing when he will strike can mean the difference between victory and defeat."

"Hai Sensei," said Raph, looking at the carpet.

The five students bowed as their Sensei exited the dojo.







"For the last time Emma you are not coming with us topside." Leo said putting his katanas over his shell.

"But I wanna kick Kraang booty too!" Emma does a karate chop and punch, when she tries do a kick she misses the air and falls on her butt.

"I know puppy but you're not ready yet but you will be soon to be a true ninja you have to learn patience." Leo said looking calm like he was mediating.

"Leo come on we've been waiting for like 3 minutes!" Mikey groans walking in with Raph and Donnie, showing the opposite of being patience.

"Mikey can I come with you topside?" Emma hoped maybe if she asked someone else she could go.

"Of course you can biscuit!" Mikey picks her up and throws in the air.

"Yay!" Emma cheered in victory

"No!" Leo interrupts "She is not coming!"

"Aww." Mikey and Emma whined.

"Ah let the little rugrat come fearless." Raph smirked. "Who can teach her more about being awesome at kicking butt then us!" Raph flexed his muscles.

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