
The rat turned restlessly in its cage, making enough noise to attract Arthur’s attention.  He pointed at it, eyes narrowing.

“Grey, what’s that?”

Fran opted for playing dumb.  “What’s what?”

“There’s a rat in the cage on your desk.”

“It’s a gerbil.”

“Whatever.  Pets aren’t allowed at school.”

Fran winced.  “I didn’t know.”

“It’s common sense, Grey, and it’s in the student handbook.  What are you doing with a pet gerbil?”

The bugle sounded before Fran could come up with a response she thought would convince Arthur not to dub her in, and she leapt at the chance to wriggle out of the situation.

“Check in,” she said, starting towards the door.

Arthur swiftly blocked it.

“Hey.  You’re not going anywhere until you give me an answer.  What are you doing with a pet gerbil?”

“Arthur, c’mon,” Fran complained.  “Let me go to check in.  I don’t want to be late.  I’ll get in trouble.”

Arthur merely crossed his arms.  “I don’t care.  I want to know why you’re breaking school rules.”

Sensing a Mexican standoff unless she caved, Fran retreated to the end of her bed and sat down.

“Will I still get in trouble if I tell you?”

Arthur surveyed her.  Fran could tell he was considering the options and what he knew of her personality.  There was silence for several long seconds.

“Fine,” he relented.  “Tell me and I’ll turn a blind eye.  But be honest.  Why do you have a gerbil in here?”

“Revenge,” Fran said simply.

Arthur did a double-take.  “Ah… I take back what I just said.  Explain and I’ll turn a blind eye.  Who’s in your bad books now, and why?”

Despite not really wanting to admit to being beaten up, Fran realised that it was probably her best bet.

“I had a run in with Simon and Kevin and a couple of others in town on Saturday,” she admitted.  “We got into a bit of an argument and… well.”  She lifted up her top and the chest compressor underneath to show the large bruise on her abdomen.  The edges were beginning to fade to an ugly brown, but black and purple still dominated three square inches of her skin.

“Aish.”  Arthur sucked in a sharp breath.  “I’m guessing they hit you in the jaw, too?”

Fran nodded.  “I have bruises all over.  I managed to get away, but I don’t want them thinking they can get away with it—”

“Let me and Brookie deal with it,” Arthur told her firmly.

No.  I want to deal with it myself.  They’ll think I’m a coward otherwise.”

Arthur looked as though he wanted to argue with her, but wisely didn’t try.  “So what are you planning to do?”

“The gerbil’s a rat.  I was going to put it in Kevin’s room.  It’s a real tip, so he won’t notice for a bit.  But when he does….”  Fran grinned wickedly.

“You worry me.”  Arthur stepped back into the corridor.  “Hurry and get the rat in there before check in finishes.”

Fran snatched the rat cage from her desk and gave Arthur a quick hug as she passed him on her way out.

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