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Imagine...having your first kiss with Sam.

Requested by: starburst_writer

You groan loudly as you keep stressing about what to wear on your date with Sam. He told you to wear something casual since you were only going to the movies. It was storming outside and you sighed putting on some jeans and a flowy black sweater over a tank top.

You hear a knock on your door and you open it expectantly. In front of you is the gentle giant you've have a crush on forever. You grin up at him and he smiles down at you. "Hi." you greet him. "Hey. You look really,um, pretty y/n." he says stumbling over his words. You blush and say thank you.

You stand in front of the door to the impala, Sam opening the door for you. Well, not before slipping on a puddle and breaking the umbrella he had been holding so carefully above your head. He bumps into you, almost knocking you down with him. "Sorry!" he says with wide eyes and you chuckle at how nervous he seems. But, you were kind of freaking out too. You get inside of the impala, admiring it and Sam chuckling at your expression. "You like what you see?" He says laughing. Your eyes widen, your cheeks getting as hot as Sam. "What?" You squeak. "Oh, you were talking about the car..."you mutter awkwardly. He keeps laughing and you can't help but laugh with him, even though you were still embarrassed.

You get to the movies and run inside the rain pouring down on you guys. "Sorry again about the umbrella.",he says apologizing for the millionth time. You roll your eyes and assure him it's fine.

You buy your tickets and go inside the theater. While you're waiting for the movie you and him make conversation. The talking slows to a stop. All of a sudden, Sam stretches his arm trying to put his arm around you but hits your arm, not being very subtle. You raise your eyebrows holding back a smile. "What are you doing?" you question. "Um,well,uh I was just..." he pauses for a moment while thinking of something to say. "Oh I was just getting,um, my drink!"he announces getting the cup by your right arm. "Sam?" you ask. "Yeah?"
"That's my drink..." you say stifling a laugh. "Well you can share, we are on a date y/n." he excuses himself, taking a sip. You laugh out loud as the lights start to dim.

"That was a great movie." you tell him as you walk to the car."Yeah it was." he agrees as he drives you home. You pull up to your house and you turn to him. "Well,uh, thanks for everything. I had a great time." you tell him. "Yeah me too." he says smiling. You get out of the car and into the rain and you start to walk up to the door. "Wait!" Sam yells behind you. You turn and see him walking rapidly towards you. Your heart starts beating faster and faster as he gets closer until he finally crashes his lips unto yours.

This was your first kiss. You wrapped your hands around his neck as you got closer, deepening the kiss. The rain poured down but you couldn't care less. Who would care? You were making out with Sam Winchester! It seemed to last forever and despite all of the awkward moments they were all erased in that one moment. You were both in the right place at the right time. Finally.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2015 ⏰

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