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Imagine...being tortured and Sam patching you up.

You scream out in pain as the demon slice into you once again. He then put lemon juice on all of the open wounds, making you let out a bloodcurdling scream. "Tell me where the Winchester boys are and it'll all be over." the demon says simply, waving his knife around.

You hunted with the Winchesters and you couldn't do just couldn't. The demon had only been torturing you for about 10 minutes; he was only getting started. "I don't know what will give me more pleasure, seeing you dead or killing you myself." you spit your words out like venom.
"Tsk,tsk, tsk...insults, insults know I am a demon, but I still have feelings." he says pouting. You don't respond and he cuts your arm again.

Suddenly, you hear the door bust open and Sam and Dean run in. "Get away from her you son of a bitch." Sam shouts bitterly. He stabs the demon and it dies right in front of you. "What took you so long?" You joke ,smirking.

"Gosh,y/n, look at how bloody you are..." Sam mutters while untying you. "Nah, it's just a few scratches, I'll be good in no time." you say grinning widely. But, as you get up you can barely stand due to the loss of blood. "Take it easy, I got you." Sam says looking into your (y/e/c) eyes. You smile and then you pass out.

You woke up in your room, laying on your back. You turn your head to find Sam sitting in the chair next to you. You look down at your arms and they are covered in white bandages. "What happened?" You mumble. You remembered getting tortured and passing out but not much after that. "You passed out a few times while I patched you up. Luckily, there weren't that many cuts, only a few, but you still lost a lot of blood." He explains.

"Well thanks for fixing me up." you say popping the 'p' and smiling. He returns your smile before his expression turns serious. "That's my job..."he says to you. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion.

"To take care of the people that I love." he says quietly still looking at you. Your eyes widen. "Well this is awkward...."you say.

"What? Why?" he says sort of panicking. "I'm just kidding Sam." you say laughing and rolling your eyes. He cups your face in his hands and gives you a soft sweet kiss.

Sorry if this one sucks but I have writer's block and couldn't really think of anything else. Sorry! Well anyway, thank you for reading and I love you all :) P.S. I'm still taking requests! So please feel free to make them :)

Supernatural Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें