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Imagine....'exercising' with Sam

You laid on the floor exhausted. I mean you didn't actually do anything but working out was hard. Sam was sitting next to you, drinking from his water bottle. You looked up at the ceiling. "I could be watching Netflix right now."you tell Sam, not turning to look at him.

He laughed before replying. "You promised me you would work out. Or at least try." You groaned. "I walked down here didn't I?" He laughs once again. Sam lays down on his stomach ,right next to you. You get up and lay on his back, still facing the ceiling.

Your eyelids grow heavy as you start to think about all of the food you could be eating.

Wow I really do need to get in shape. But here I am lying on my boyfriend's back.

You're startled by sudden movement from under you. "What the hell Sam?!"you yell as you're being lifted up into the air. "If you won't move, I'll move for you." he stated simply. He begins doing push-ups while you're still on his back. "Could you make me feel any worse?" you joke. "I can't even do one push-up." you complain. He laughs and stops doing push-ups so you can get off him. "Well then I guess we'll have to change that."

For the rest of the day, little by little, you actually exercise. ITS A MIRACLE. However, you were absolutely exhausted. And for real this time. You got on your tiptoes and kissed Sam lightly on the lips. "If you need me I'll be in my room watching Netflix and eating a cheeseburger." you say and Sam chuckles as you walk away.
Sorry for any mistakes, point them out if you see any please. And feel free to make requests! I love you all and thank you for reading.

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