Things You need to know about me

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Joseph: *Walks in * Ah! Why hello there ! Isn't this exciting!

Fan : yeah, yeah we know...

Xie : so we are doing what anyway?

Joseph:Well~ since we already known about yang and her ways , its best if all  I repeat ALL the readers must know too.

Fan:*groan* Isn't that TOO much?

Joseph:Well not all actually... the important stuff you know... but for  some reason there are actually covered with black ink  ? *while holding a strange book*

Xie:Okay lets do it already or else ....we will be grounded like jack did.

Joseph:okay okay!

(Warning ! Please do not tell anyone about it , there are some words that are truth and i am honest to myself)

Name: Angelyn Picar.



Pronoun: She .


Species: Human.

Nationality: Filipino.

She is kind, loving, shy, timid girl that very much has a weird things in her life , she is shy and timid around new people and to her followers at her ■■■■■■■■■ but can easily to get along and crazy when its cames to her favourite things . She also shows depress, annoyed and tried by her siblings even her mother she even glares hardly at her sister whenever they tease or bully her but at the end she loves her family than her looks.

She has slender body with bruses, cuts and bleeds on her legs , she same times wear cloth that are normal to her , her face are coved with small pimples and has short black pitch hair amd eyes.


Horror (games mostly).
Wu chang
Victorian dress or lolita

Swear/vulgar words
Dangerous people

She is still 14 and yet she is taller than her sister and her mother .

She is still a teen but knows anything.

She isnt depress

The reason she has cuts and bruses its because She is clumsy .

She does 'nt know "older things stuff"her parents refuse her to say vulgar words ( even though her siblings saids those words) because she is innocent.

She has five sibling and she is the youngest

She is the only sibling who has many follower ( at wattpad) than her sisters.
You all are welcome to follow me on... as long you guys tell me yours ...for safety .

Instagram: Fallendreamer26.
Pinterest:Angelyn picar.
Youtube:Angelyn picar .
(*i dont post things on youtube anymore*).



Fan:... thats it?

Joseph: like i said , the end here has ink in it.

Xie:thats a shame .

Yang:*walks in* what are you guys doing?

Three: Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!

Xie: Yang! What are you doing here?!

Yang: i am here to find you guys and-  why is my Note book here?

Joseph:*sigh* we just want to let the readers know about you ...

Fan:so that you wouldnt get lonely (even in quarantine)

Yang: oh! You guys are sooo sweet!*hugs them*

Joseph*hugs back* i just i'll return this then *returns the book*

Yang:*takes book* Well.....i was thing of doing a "Idv D and A "  in this book ...

Fan:sigh its boring!

Xie: I have to agree with my brother here , it will be best if you came as well .

Joseph:not just us but you too sis .

Yang: okay, okay! *sigh* fine , i will do it.

Fan: Yes!

Yang: if you guys and the others behave!

Three :yes maam.

Yang:*smile* good now lets go!

Wu chang , Joseph and yang left

Question: what do you guys thing about "Idv Q and A " in this book?


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