So, like any other teenager, without an idea of what to wear, she destroys her perfectly tidy room in search of an outfit. Sure, the kegger wouldn't start for another two hours or so, but the thought of picking clothes that weren't good enough overwhelmed her━━Adalaine did not want to stand out, she just wanted to be there to see Kiara and say hello to the pogues. The kooks would be wearing baby blues and pinks, tourons would be wearing expensive dinner attire with sunburnt faces, and the pogues would wear whatever the fuck they wanted. So what in the world should Adalaine wear? Hell if she knows. For she was still Amelie Airoldi's daughter, uncertainty and indecisive when it came to clothes was in her blood.

The youngest Airoldi was still feeling the stench of Rafe Cameron's cologne on her clothes, plus, she was certain there was grease in her hair from fries. So, Adalaine strips out of her clothes and heads into her en-suite bathroom.

She turns the temperature up and sets into the shower, feeling grateful that her family has running water as the cut is still completely out of power. Adalaine washes her body and hair thoroughly before stepping out, not wanting to overuse the water source━━nobody was there to time her shower (obviously) but there was guilt ridding her body. The pogues and those on the cut had nothing and Adalaine has been handed everything! The least she could do was take a short shower.

The soft scent of vanilla lingers on her body from her sugar scrub as she secures a towel around herself before brushing her damp hair. Adalaine finds herself back in her bedroom and looks at the clothes thrown across the bed and floor. A pair of jean shorts catch her eye, along with a red square-neck tank top. Both items have become quite the staple in her life, as the jeans shorts fit perfectly and covered just enough and red, being her favorite color but also, a clothing piece that had gotten numerous compliments over the last few months. They were clothes that mothers and fathers (and judgmental bitches) might say are revealing, but to Adalaine they were her safety clothes, like another layer of skin. And shame on those who judge what women (or whoever) wear!

Once dressed, she figures that if she's going to drink tonight (which is very likely) food is necessary. Fortunately for her, no footsteps linger in the household, giving her a sense of security as she walks down the grand staircase. The sounds of her sneakers echo through the empty house until she reaches the kitchen. Never knowing when her parents may return (and the dread if Amelie catches her snacking) the young Airoldi grabs an apple before rushing back up the stairs.

And it's just in time too! As the front door slams shut just as Adalaine reaches the top stair. But she doesn't care who it is, her door is closed within a second of her entering and she can sit and be in peace. Of course, once she begins to eat, she realizes how fucking hungry she is (ignoring the sounds of her stomach and hiding them at work had been perfected). The kitchen is practically calling her name, asking her to go back down and eat more... but then again, she doesn't know who came home and maybe the apple would be enough.

Luckily (or unlucky, it could go either way, depending on who you ask of course) a knock comes at her door, which startles and slightly panics Adalaine. "Yo A! Lemme in," Beau calls from the other side, causing her shoulders to relax slightly but not all the way. Yes, Beau was significantly better than Amelie in many ways, but he was just as mean and toxic in others.

"It's unlocked," she calls back softly, throwing the half-eaten apple in the trash. The youngest Airoldi straightens herself up and leans against her window just as the door clicks. Beau waltzes in and Adalaine rolls her eyes as she studies his appearance. Disheveled hair and his eyes rimmed red around the edges, it's clear he's coming down from a high. If she could take another step away from him she would without a doubt, but with nowhere to go, she crosses her arms and lifts her head. "What do you want Beau?"

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