Chapter 19

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Kestrel's eyes flickered open, it was dark, with only a few streaks of light. She felt cold metal below her. Sitting up slowly, her eyes began to adjust.

A figure stood over her.

A voice, deep and gruff echoed around the room, "Give yourself a moment to adjust. Your mind will clear shortly."

"Where am I?" Kestrel asked boldly.

"A neutral location... perched at the edge of the Earth. Safe, I assure you."

Kestrel got to her feet, the room swinging round her.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I am the firstborn Heth. Please, just hear me out. You are an elemental. I always knew the tales of the creations were true."

Kestrel squinted, "What?" she whispered.

Heth continued, "No, I imagine your people treated you unkindly."

She stumbled backwards.

"You deserve better. All Elementals do, something better... elsewhere."

"Are you kidnapping elementals then?"

"No. I rescued you."

"Sorry, what?"

Heth grinned sinisterly, "You are formidable, but your strength has been going to waste. Come with me, and I can show you how to unleash your power."

Kestrel frowned, "Sorry, I'm lost."

"I understand what it is to be on the outside, as I'm sure you are... different. Hunted by lesser humans."

Heth moved closer.

"You deserve better than that."

Kestrel's mouth hung open slightly in confusion, "What do you know of me?" she asked shakily.

Heth grunted, "No matter. You will come with me. Willingly or not."

Kestrel cocked her head to the side, "I'm going to have to choose 'not'."

Kestrel thrust her hands in front of her. Nothing happened. Her eyebrows furrowed.

"Problem?" Heth asked with a smile.

"What is this? Why can't I..."

"Because you're not conscious yet." Heth said airily.

"Not conscious?"

Heth made a face, "I'm not a fool. I know how strong you are, and I have to make sure that you're thoroughly broken in before you're brought to me..."

"Where did you learn of this reputation of mine?" she asked, her heart racing.

"Let's just say I've read the files and the school seems to think you are one of the most powerful..."

"How?" she asked quietly.

"Something about your blood. I have seen all the medical reports. You had to have your blood taken at a specialised place." he laughed shortly. "I can help you. I promise you that."

"Who are you?" Kestrel asked boldly.

"I've told you."

"But what race?"

"Well, that's rather open-minded."

Kestrel ignored him.

Heth stayed silent for a moment, "It doesn't matter."

Kestrel sighed, "I appreciate what you have done, really, but I need to get to my friends and save the elementals."

"Promise me."

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