"And this is why we have these lessons." O'Hare commented, unfazed by the light on his arm. He frowned at his arm and brushed his finger over it, sending the flames into golden smoke.

"Obviously, Cool here is Fire." he continued, pulling a notebook from his pocket. "Cool Dog – Fire and ..." he muttered.

"Now a quick way to work out what elements you are is by doing this. Now follow me, newbies." O'Hare walked calmly out of the cabin followed by Kestrel, Cora, Mia, and Seraphina. "The rest of you: Page 23, Exercise 4."

They followed him to a forest, where the trees seemed to sing, and the ground was blanketed in gold light.

"Here." O'Hare said, his voice softening, he stood beside a shining stone. "This is the Song Forest and this," he smiled, "is the founding stone of Moondoor. Whoever touches it gets their elements revealed. I think it holds much more power than that though." his eyes sparkled, and his lion twitched its overly-sized ears. "Legend has it that the stone can create a giant forcefield around its island, they say that every magical island has one, and in a time of great need, the stone will light up. Its light will protect the island and sending an invisible light up into the stars, following this, the other stones light up and the whole magical world will be protected from harm.

"However, these can also be used for evil. And if one stone is missing, the protection of the magical world will be weak." O'Hare grunted, "It's just a legend. Why are you staring at me, Ceramic?"

O'Hare's frown returned, "Put your hand on the stone."

Seraphina placed her hand on the cool rock. A giant, shining, blue orb appeared over her head, dancing in the sky, it twisted and morphed into a waterdrop, seemingly falling through the sky forever, before spiralling upwards into a deep red flame, twitching in the gold light.

"Ceramic Sofa – Water and Fire." O'Hare muttered, loud enough for them all to hear as he jotted it down on the paper.

Mia put her hand on the stone next. This time, a swirling purple and silver globe formed, scattered with gold and white flashes. It twisted and turned into a dusky pink sphere, waves rising and falling from its surface.

"Emma Daze – Air and Magic."

Cora cautiously placed her palm on the stone. Erupting above her, stood a red and amber flame, turning and contracting. Rolling in the air, it morphed into a single gold circle, hanging in the air, peppered with silver specks.

"Cool Dog – Fire and Spirit." O'Hare said, "Crumble?"

Kestrel put her hand, carefully on the surface of the cold stone. Twinkling like the sea under the sun, a pale purple sphere grew above her head. It was scattered with smaller snow-white spheres, sparkling like stars. A darker purple smudge morphed into the sphere, sending crackling, white lines rocketing over the sphere. The orb shrunk and grew out in a spiral, shading from purple to blue to green to bronze and gold. A trail of darker footprints etched shadows on the surface and then the orb slowly disappeared.

"Interesting, Crumble Wind – Air and Wild."

"Um. Why is it interesting?" Kestrel asked.

"It's not, I mean, nothing." O'Hare stuttered.

Cora glared at him.

"Fine, I just thought that the Wild Bloodline had died out." O'Hare paused, "Right, back to the cabin, you lot."

They returned to the cabin a little later to find the class using wands to control their magic.

"There are many ways to control and channel your powers. The most common way is with your hands." O'Hare explained, flicking his fingers to create sparks, "Some can use their eyes, like Meringue." They looked to Merlin, "Others can use wands or staffs." O'Hare picked up an ornate silver staff. It had a crescent moon at the end. He thrust it onto the ground and a sheet of fire spread outwards from it.

MissingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora