Chapter 2 The mirror

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Darkness laid over the people as they desperately tried to figure things out on their own. For their precious king had been stolen from them and captured in the darkness. The village that had been filled with laughter and light was now at the bottom of the world and darkness had covered the light that had existed there. By the very beginning of the village, a strong black haired man came riding through. With him, he carried a golden bow with blue arrows. His face was covered with a black bandana and only his deep dark, brown eyes could be seen by eye. As he slowly rode through town on his black stallion, the people gazed after him. Would he be the hero they awaited? Would he be the one that shall rescue them from the depths? No one knew and no one would ever knew. For they all awaited the strong, brave soldier that would rescue them from the depths of the darkness and once and for all, bring back the magic of the moonstone to them.

Jade woke up with a flinch when a glass shattered outside her room. The silk voice of her grandma could be heard outside. Cursing her old shaggy bones for shaking enough for making her drop everything she held in her arms. Jade touched her forehead as the dream had oddly enough, given her headaches. She opened the door and Lorraine flew up in the air.

"Oh my child! You trying to scare your old grandma to death?" She chuckled.

Jade shook her head as she kneeled down and helped her pick up the glass shatter.

"Maybe you should see a doctor grandma? It isn't the first time you've done something like this."Said Jade, worried about her grandma that often lost control over her body parts.

Lorraine waved her hand and shook her head as she picked up the last glass shatter and walked towards the kitchen again.

"Nonsense, I'm fine, a bit old, yes, but fine."Said she and threw the shatters.

"I worry for you is all."Said Jade and poured herself a cup of the hot tea Lorraine had put on the table.

"Don't dear Jade. Besides, I don't trust a doctor would help me anyway. My time will come when my time comes, no stopping death for anyone I'm afraid."

"No, I'm aware, but maybe a doctor could help you live a bit longer...."

"Everything happens for a reason. Which means, me dying is going to happen for a reason too."

"What reason?"

"Well that you never know dear. But something it is, that's for sure."Said Lorraine as she put some cheese and butter on the table and sat down.

Jade rolled her eyes and sighed as her grandma always refused to see doctors. There had been times when Lorraine had been very sick, yet, refused to see a doctor because "she doesn't believe in such matters".

As Lorraine puts on her glasses and picked up the newspaper, Jade inspected her necklace. It was beautiful, no doubt about that and Jade remember how she used to play with it when she was younger. She used to wear it around her own neck and pretend she had special powers. That she was the soldier in the stories her grandma always told her.

"So, any weird dreams tonight?"Lorraine asked as she flipped the newspaper.

Jade sipped from her tea as she thought about her dream that had given her headaches.

"I wouldn't call them weird anymore, it's more of an regular thing nowadays for me."Said Jade.

Her grandma gazed up with her narrow eyes as she moved her eyes back onto the newspaper once again.

"What was it this time then?"Lorraine asked as she smiled."What did you experience?"

"Well..."Said Jade."I saw the kingdom again I guess..."

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