The Beginning

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~WARNING! This fanfic contains cutting and death. If you are offended by these, leave now.~

Yamaguchi could remember this day, well night, quite clearl even though he was only 5; his mom, his dad, and himself where all heading back from the movie theater on a snowy December night. The roads where full of ice and slush.

Yamaguchi was half way asleep in his car seat when he felt the car jerk to the side and back and forth, left to right. His mom screaming his dad trying to control the car.

The last thing he could see was a tree right in front of the car, a loud crashing noise, and him hitting his head on the back of his dad's chair.

He blacked out.

~time skip~

Yamaguchi woke up to a bright light, and the sound of beeping from machines. His eyes flickered as he opened them. A lady was sitting in a chair taking notes.

She glanced at Yamaguchi, "Oh good! Your awake. I'm nurse Natsuki, and I will be taking care of you till you get better all right?"

Yamaguchi looked up at her with his dark brown eyes filled with fear, "Where's my mommy?"

Natsuki's happy expression faded into a depressed look, "Your mommy is dancing with Angles."

"When will she be back?" Yamaguchi asked.

Natsuki sighed, brushing her black hair out of her green eyes, "I don't know sweetie."

"Oh okay." Yamaguchi looked away for a second, then back at her, "What about my daddy?"

"Your father is here, just in another room." Natsuki explained.

"Can I go see him please?"

"Not now, you need to eat something first."

~time skip~

Yamaguchi and his dad walked into their house after spending 2 weeks in the hospital.

Yamaguchi looked up at his father, "Where's mommy?"

His dad glared at him, "Not coming back." He walked off into the kitchen. "And it's because of you."

Since that day, Yamaguchi's dad would abuse him, mentally.

"Why don't you grow your hair out? It'll make you look more like the girl you are."

"Why the hell do you have an F in math?! I thought you where smart!"

"Get your ugly ass down here! NOW TADASHI!"

"You want to join volleyball? Your to weak to play sports."

"Aww, little Tadashi made a friend. How? Oh yea, cause he was to damn weak to fight back! Real men don't need friends."

"Don't talk to me you untalented price of shit."

Yamaguchi couldn't remember a night when he didn't fall asleep crying.

In Junior High he was diagnosed with minor depression, buthe his dad's only reaction was "Suck it up. You don't need medicine, my life would be better off if I never had you anyway."

That night, Yamaguchi couldn't sleep. His father's words replying in his head, "My life would be better off if I never had you anyway."

Maybe he's right... He thought What difference will I make in the world if I'm a disappointment? Nothing. Cause I can't do nothing other then let others fight my battles for me...

He looked at his scissors laying on his desk, then down at his wrist.

He said he would be happier if I was dead anyway... But think about your friends! What friends though? He agrued with himself, Well there's Tsukki who doesn't even pay attention to me that much anyway, and... and... He looked at his wall. I- I am unwanted... He began crying, he whipped his tears away but they kept coming down.

The only person who loved and wanted me around was mom... but now she's gone!

Yamaguchi felt the mettle blade of the scissors touch his wrist. He saw blood, but not a lot, coming from underneath the scissors.

He lifted up the scissors to see he had missed the vain.

Well, Yamaguchi thought, Better luck next time.

He carfully opened his bedroom door and went into the bathroom looking for a band-aid.

When he found one that would work, he walked back into his room shut off the light and got under the blankets.

"Time to get lost again." He said to the darkness.

About 30 minutes later, he had drifted off to sleep, lost in his dreams about a good life.

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