In the literature club

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Natsuki arrived at the literature club with Yuri. Natsuki and Yuri are the only ones in the classroom when Yuri looks up and looks over at Natsuki who and been watching her for a while now. Then Natsuki folded her arms and said "do you want somthing?!" Then looked down at her closed manga, imagining reading it with Yuri but, of course that couldn't happen because Yuri doesn't like manga.

Natsuki looked up when Yuri mumbled "Can I read your manga, I would like to know what you like?"
"WHAT!" Natsuki exclaimed "I mean yeah ok b-but I'm reading it too, we will read it together!" Natsuki was so embarrassed that she looked at the ground and closed her eyes tightly.

 Natsuki looked up when Yuri mumbled "Can I read your manga, I would like to know what you like?""WHAT!" Natsuki exclaimed "I mean yeah ok b-but I'm reading it too, we will read it together!" Natsuki was so embarrassed that she looked at the groun...

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Natsuki could hear her heart pounding in her chest as she waited for Yuri to reply then she hear Yuri's gentle voice say "ok" then Natsuki looked up to see Yuri standing up and walking over towards her. Natsuki nudged along the seat to make room for Yuri and then Yuri sat down next to her as Natsuki opened the first page of the book. Natsuki sat for a moment, processing what had just happend then started to read.

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