''Your Majesty, I-.'' Ritsuka was interrupted when sound of doors was heard opening and everyone turned their attention towards source. The first one to enter was a man with golden armor on his arms and legs with white bodysuit on him with white cape behind him followed by white haired woman with purple eyes dressed into white clothes and another woman with long blonde hair with blue eyes.  (Check what color are Morgan's eyes and inform me)

Arturia (C) and Mordred (C) scowled upon seeing second woman. 

Man came to the second throne which was beside Arturia's and two shared a short kiss while two women went to stand on separate sides. 

''I hope I didn't make you wait long, my beloved wife.'' Said man lovingly while this information shocked Chaldeans, especially Arturia (C). This version of her... wasn't a king?

''Not at all, dear. They arrived just before you came in.'' Replied Arturia with smile.

''That's good. Now although they know of your identity and that of others, they don't know mine.'' Replied man with light smile on his face. 

''First of all welcome Chaldea. My name is Naruto Uzumaki, King of Thousand Year Kingdom and husband of Arturia here.'' Said Naruto confirming group's assumption. If Arturia was a Queen and yet this man of whom they never heard before was a King, then what's happening. 

Upon noticing their confused expressions Naruto said ''I'm sure you're confused on how everything is different, am I right?'' with group nodding at the same time.

Naruto went to speak but then something catched his eyes. 

''How... interesting. A younger version of my wife and a version of my daughter? And versions of my Knights of the Round, albeit weaker?'' Said Naruto to himself.

''Merlyn! Analyze!'' Ordered Naruto and Arturia's (C) and rest of her knights (C) assumptions were confirmed. This Merlyn is probably Merlin of this world, except their is a man and in this world is a woman.

Merlyn stepped forward and looked at them with narrowed eyes, especially at Arturia (C) making her sweat little. Perhaps she is so much different than her Mage Court. 

''This one doesn't have big breasts and ass while those two have great breasts and ass.'' Said Merlyn in her infinite wisdom while all those in room blushed little at what she said.

Arturia meanwhile gritted her teeth. This woman is no different than that fool that once was her advisor, except she is even more perverted. And it wasn't her fault she didn't have chest or ass most men dream about. When she pulled out Caliburn from Stone, it was already too late. 

Meanwhile Naruto rubbed his nerves in irritation. ''Not that kind of analyze, you perverted woman!''

''Fine fine, killjoy.'' Huffed Merlyn.

''I'm sure all of you know about theory of multiverse.'' At this all nodded, even Mordred (C).

''Then the difference between my Queen and this Arturia (C) is that while my Queen never pulled out Caliburn from Stone, this one did and became King and later got Excalibur until the moment Camelot fell in her world, while in this world that never happened.'' Said Merlyn shocking group. Fall of Camelot... never happened in this world?

''And it's because of this man that all of that was avoided, wasn't it?'' Asked Scathach now understanding what happened. 

''That's right. In so many worlds, Arturia's fate was always the same and I didn't want that to happen in this world so I looked for solution. But solution came to me. My King here, Naruto was a Godslayer from his world and using my magic I pulled him into this world. He pulled out Caliburn and became King. He subdued Morgan here before she even had chance to take Caliburn from him and destroy it and later got Excalibur and it's sheath Avalon. As you can see Arturia here became his wife and later Mordred was born. And since the usual situation of Mordred being rejected by Arturia didn't happen, that meant no rebellion and fall of Camelot.'' Said Merlyn shocking Chaldeans, even Scathach herself. Mere presence and actions of this man changed everything. Not to mention he was Godslayer and had both Caliburn and Excalibur along with Avalon. 

Mordred (C) was starring at her other version who was looking at Queen and King with love and adoration which they returned. She frowned seeing this and envy started to appear. This version of her had everything she ever wanted and was denied of. Love from her parents and claim to the throne. 

''I know why you are here so I will just say it once. Leave us, Chaldea.'' Said Naruto with right fist on his cheek.

''Why? If you know what we want then wh-.'' There Gudako was interrupted.

''I cannot give you the Holy Grail. If I were to give to you, then everything I have ever achieved would be meaningless.'' Said Naruto

''But-'' This time it Ritsuka who was interrupted.

''Boy. You think I don't know what's happening, don't you? For your information, I do. Destruction of humanity, that is what is happening. I saw it in my visions. To avoid that I need this Holy Grail until I reach the final step of my plan.'' Said Naruto.

''What plan?'' Asked Mashu.

''Using the lance of my wife, Rhongomyniad, I will take this kingdom to the End of the World where it will be safe from any danger. But there are some who are opposing me in this quest of mine. And they along with all those who oppose me will die.'' Replied Naruto.

''How can you be alright with this insanity!?'' Ritsuka suddenly shouted out making Naruto, Arturia, Mordred and their Knights of the Round glare at him.

''How dare you.'' Arturia's serene voice was heard. ''We only want for our kingdom and it's people to be safe.''

''So why then?'' Asked Ritsuka.

''BECAUSE MY FAMILY WILL LIVE!'' Arturia shouted out. 

''Your Majesty, please stop! This is madness!'' This time it was Gudako who tried to persuade.

A Blonde eyebrow rose at this. 

''No, madness would be to stand by and do nothing. I won't let this world die.'' Naruto said with golden glow in his eyes glowing even brighter which slightly shook members of Chaldea and they gulped at this. If they fight him now, their defeat would be certain. This man, this king is their enemy and without doubt he will be toughest and strongest enemy they will have in future.

''Leave Chaldea and don't return. From now on we are enemies. '' Said Arturia and group turned around and walked away and the moment they left, both Naruto and Arturia let out sighs.

''You think they will leave?'' Arturia asked.

Naruto at that just snorted. ''Of course they will not. Since peaceful talk failed, they will gather allies and will attack us.'' 

Naruto turned towards his knights of the round ''Strengthen up all defenses and take all civilians to the safety. A storm is coming.'' at that his Knights and Mordred ran out to do fulfill their orders. 

Naruto leaned into his throne and felt Arturia putting her hand over his. 

''If they manage to get Ozymandias, Xuanzang and Assassins in the mountains on their side...'' Arturia stopped there.

''Then our kingdom will enter the most dangerous war to ever happen.'' Naruto finished her sentence. 

Their kingdom must prevail, no matter what. They faced against many dangers, but this danger is the biggest one. They. Must. WIN!''

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