A Night Like Any Other

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A/N: Thank you for your suggestions! Seemed like a majority wanted some more family life, so here is another snippet.

Please forgive my complete lack of adherence to Turkish accents...

The kids were running wild today, somehow more so than usual. A weary, aged Tesla was scampering behind a very naked Yalin, his youngest and most rambunctious son, as he toddled towards his older sister and brother, dripping water everywhere he went.

"Yalin! I still need to dress you!" His wife called, emerging from around the corner with a towel in hand, looking fairly annoyed that a three year old had somehow managed to escape her clutches.

Ozgur chuckled to himself as he watched the scene from the kitchen, popping some nuts in his mouth as he waited for his water to boil. All of his kids had turned out just as crazy as their mother. And now they drove her crazy just as she drove him crazy.

Ozge was the most like him, fairly level-headed with a streak of naughtiness that even he was wary of. But his two boys had come out as a dangerous mix of his disrespect for rules and Ezgi's tendencies towards overreactive anger and so their household was visited by frequent bouts of chaos.

Ezgi wandered into the kitchen, apparently having given up on trying to clothe the baby, and collapsed against him, face planted into his chest. He chuckled lightly, and wrapped his arms around her, tightly, trying to take some of her exhaustion from her body into his.

"Ah, hayatim. Who can blame him for not wanting to wear clothes?"

"If he grows up to only wear tank tops that reveal his whole chest, I'm going to kill you." She grumbled, even as she nestled further into his embrace.

He grinned widely, some of the memories of his youthful dalliances in those flexible shirts returning to him and as if Ezgi could sense where his mind had wandered she immediately pulled back to frown at him and then slapped his chest lightly for good measure.

"I didn't say anything!" He protested, but his crooked, half smile gave him away. Ezgi could always read his mind, anyway, there was no use hiding it.

His water boiling, he released her to pour two cups of tea, as she started loading the dishwasher. The sounds of their children' giggling filled the air and he couldn't help but smile, even though he knew they were likely destroying something. Only bad behavior made them that happy.

"Can you pick up the boys tomorrow?" Ezgi asked.

"Hm? I thought the babysitter was doing that." Ozgur replied, placing her tea in front of her.

"Oh I fired her." She said, not looking at him.

Ozgur suspected he knew exactly why yet another young female babysitter had been fired and yet he knew better than to accuse her directly. "Ezgi—"

"She kept looking at you Ozgur so don't you even dare say anything." Ezgi said, turning to wag her finger at him threateningly, before he could even try diplomacy.

He put his hands up in defeat, taking a half a step back so as to be out of her arm's reach. Her jealousy never waned even after all these years of marriage and though he occasionally felt guilty for how much he enjoyed it, he couldn't help but love the way she so fiercely protected what she knew to be hers, even if it was completely unnecessary.

Not to mention how hot she was when she was angry. He wasn't above provoking her, just to enjoy her fire.

Still he didn't really want her to be stressed out and he really wanted to keep a babysitter for longer than two weeks, so he decided to summon some courage and approach her with a modicum of maturity.

"Birtanem..." he cooed reaching out to her and she melted slightly allowing him to take hold of her elbows, drawing her closer to him.

"Are you angry with me?" She asked, her beautiful brown eyes widening as she looked up at him with a pout that she knew he had absolutely no defense for. Mother and daughter wielded this look so frequently and lethally that it was a miracle that he ever got his way.

"Outraged." He deadpanned, smirking as she pushed against him in exasperation. "Sevgilim, I can't help that women like the way I look—"

Now she was really mad, mouth dropping open at his audacity, sparks almost spitting out of her eyes, and Ozgur realized in retrospect that he probably should have pretended that he had no idea that women paid him attention everywhere he went.

"But," he continued, holding her tight, trying to salvage the conversation, "you know I only want you to look at me."

"Good." She clipped, frowning. "Because you are mine." She announced, with such confidence that his heart warmed.

"Exactly." He nodded, having long surrendered to that fact of life.

She smiled at him, playful now, the force of her love making her face nearly glow. "You want me to stop firing babysitters, huh."

"That would be nice." He replied, playing with the ends of her hair.

"Maybe we can find a man to take care of the kids." She suggested, her smirk turning the slightest bit devilish. If he had been paying attention he might have realized that she was toying with him, but as soon as she suggested they bring a young man into their home, a man that would undoubtedly fall in love with his beautiful wife, his mind turned off.

"Absolutely not!" He retorted, his hands subconsciously bringing Ezgi closer to him.

She laughed, pleased to have elicited the reaction she expected and began to seriously consider their options. Both of them worked so much now that she had started her own firm and Ozgur had decided to begin another expansion. They did need some help. And she could admit that perhaps firing every young woman that looked at Ozgur for a moment too long was not entirely rational.

"We'll think of something." Ozgur said, still frowning over the mere idea of having another man take care of their kids. "Maybe my mom knows someone, you know, more her age."

Before Ezgi could reply, Yalin toddled into the kitchen, looking for his baba. He began crying rather performatively as soon as he saw them, holding out his arms so that Ozgur would pick him up and soothe him.

Ozgur scooped him up and held him close, covering as much of his naked body to try to keep him warm. It was clearly time to put his baby to bed.

Yalin tightened his little fists around his shirt, tugging lightly as he allowed himself to be soothed, his baba's voice and rocking gently encouraging him to close his eyes and fall asleep.

Ozgur carried Yalin to his bed as Ezgi gathered the other two. When all the kids were asleep, she joined him in their bed and he instinctively reached out for her, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her against him.

"I promise I won't fire anyone else." Ezgi whispered into the darkness, continuing their interrupted conversation.

He smiled and placed a kiss to her shoulder, squeezing her tightly until she protested, laughing. "Hayatim, you can fire whoever you want. The most important thing is you."

She sighed and reached up to kiss him, so grateful every day to have the life that she had always dreamed besides a man that she would never have imagined for herself.

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