Episode 6

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Özgür walked into his restaurant and pulled up a stool at the bar, lost in thought. He barely acknowledged Emre as he slid Özgür a glass of whisky, teasing him about his newfound sleeves. Özgür immediately took a large sip, desperately trying to get the image of Ezgi touching his lips out of his head. How that woman had been able to unsettle him so easily, he had no idea. But he couldn't stop thinking about her. Her and that doctor. Bay Doğru. Going for dinner and laughing and dancing...

"Naber?" Ozan called, settling into the stool next to him. "That journalist is here looking for you."

Özgür nodded, not even looking up from his glass. "I know. She called."

"She seems very friendly for someone who ruined your reputation."

"Eh, misunderstanding. We cleared it up."

Ozan stared at Özgür in disbelief. "Misunderstanding?" he asked, chuckling to himself. Only Özgür would take something like this so lightly. He never seemed to take any woman seriously. At least, until Ezgi. "So then why do you look so miserable if it's not because of her?"

Özgür stayed silent for a moment, swirling his drink around, but then eventually admitted, "The idea of her out with that gynecologist is driving me crazy."


"Yes" he growled, taking a sip.

Ozan burst out laughing, unable to contain his delight at this development. Özgür jealous! He never thought he would see the day. He had known something was different about Ezgi when Özgür overreacted to her reneging on their agreement, but even he could not have foreseen this. Ozan was sure Özgür would fight his feelings for much longer. Apparently, he was as helpless to them as Ozan was.

Özgür tried to glare at Ozan, but the turmoil in his eyes just made him look like a sad puppy. Ozan immediately sobered. "Sorry, abi. Are you sure she's actually going to dinner? I wouldn't stress, she didn't seem very excited about it."

Özgür sighed. Images of her playing with him, all dressed up for another man, invaded his mind again. He shook his head, trying to dispel his thoughts and took another sip before responding. "She looked like she was. Dressed up. Beautiful." He was restless, his whole body agitated. He couldn't sit still, fidgeting with his glass, his leg jumping up and down, his mind whirring. He needed to do something or he was really going to go insane.

Ozan was at a loss as to how to handle this situation. He had never seen Özgür like this. "Abi..."

"I know. You're going to say you were right, I have feelings for her. I'm crazy for helping her get a date with him, filan falan."


"I am not in love with her! I'm just a little confused. Clearly being her friend has messed with my head, that's all. No need to get carried away."

"Tamam...ama –"

"Özgür? There you are." Yesim called from behind them. She put her hand on Özgür's shoulder as she approached leaning over the bar to peer at the two of them. "I've been looking for you."

Özgür turned away from Ozan to glance first at her hand and then at her. "I'm here. How are you?" Maybe this is what he needed - a welcome distraction. A woman he could flirt with so that he wouldn't have to keep thinking about Ezgi's hands cupping his face.

"Good. Happy to see you. I wanted to give you my full apology." Yesim replied, stroking his shoulder with her thumb.

Ozan tipped his head at Özgür, recognizing his cue to leave. "I hope he knows what he is doing," Ozan thought to himself, retreating into the kitchen.

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