Chapter 5 - The Student Council

Start from the beginning

Momo internally sighed. A voice called out to her, making her break out of her thoughts as she noticed. The black-haired girl had unconsciously opened the door ever so slightly, meaning that her classmates could see that she was there.

"Yaoyorozu? Are you okay?" Iida asked professionally, a tint of concern hidden in his tone. Momo gulped as she looked around the room. She put on her confident costume, acting alright, though she was really stressed out for some reason. Probably exhaustion getting to her.

"Ah, yes Iida. I'm alright." Momo reassured, finally entering the room as she headed to her chair. She put down her violin case and then her messenger bag, opening it as she got out her laptop, getting ready to take notes about the meeting. "I'm sorry for being late. I've been a little off track lately.".

Though Momo seemed to be reassuring everyone, not many people seemed convinced, at least not her friends. She could see all of them had some sort of concerned expression. Momo felt all the eyes piercing right through her, though it only was shown on the inside. Over the years of being emotionally controlled by her family, she had gotten used to building a hard shell that would never be broken on the outside.

Well, it was effective all the time, except from that one time she failed to tell a girl off for smoking.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Shinsou asked. It was rare to hear him speak. He would mostly listen to the conversation. Eyes a little wide, Momo smiled, nodding.

"Yes, I'm alright. Just tired, that's all..." Momo spoke, trailing off on the word 'all'. Iida hummed.

"Mhm, alright then. Let's get on with the meeting." The blue-haired boy spoke. He pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose, looking at the papers in front of him.


The room slowly emptied itself. The meeting was well over and a lot of the students were walking out of the room, leaving only Iida and Momo to pack up their own stuff. Momo closed her laptop as she put it back in the case, carefully organising it into her bag. Iida did the same with his papers, though he seemed to have packed up faster than Momo.

As the black-haired girl was looking down at her leather messenger school bag, she heard him call out her name.

"Yaoyorozu." Iida said. It didn't sound like a call, more like a direct order. Nothing was question-like in his way of saying it. Momo lifted her head up as she closed her bag and looked at him.

"Yes?" Momo asked. Iida cleared his throat. Momo picked up her bag and slung it over her shoulder, grabbing the violin case as well and holding it firmly.

"Well, you see," Iida seemed tensed, almost nervous to ask what he was asking. "Today—" . Before he could finish, Momo noticed he was struggling with his words. She cut him off, thinking ahead about what he wanted to say.

"If it's about the notes, I'll send the document once I get home." Momo said quickly, as if she was in a hurry. Iida scrunched his eyes. He looked frustrated.

"No. Not that." Iida spoke. Momo seemed confused. She tilted her head a little, worried about what he wanted to say.

"Oh? What is it then?" Momo asked. Iida sighed.

"Recently, you've been, not really in the right shape to attend the club meetings, let alone your classes." Iida said. Momo internally gulped. "I don't know what is going on, but something is going on for sure. You seem stressed and anxious, and as much of a good member you are to the club, I can't let you attend it while your health is hanging low like this.".

Momo blinked. She knew exactly what he meant, but brushed it off.

"But, Iida, I am completely healthy!" Momo protested. "I don't have any issues or anything!". Iida shook his head.

"I'm not talking about your physical health, I'm talking about your mental health, and you know I am." Iida said. "I can't risk having a student already tired and anxious taking so much responsibility that could possibly add to their downfall. As the school president, it is my responsibility to assure that everyone feels safe and happy.".

"But, Iida—" Momo tried to say. Iida shook his head and placed his glasses back properly as he walked towards the door.

"Momo, you're my friend. I'm not just doing this because I'm school president, but because I care about you. Please get well soon, you're not doing okay right now and you have to rest." Iida said, not letting the girl protest any longer. He took a deep sigh before crossing the door and leaving the classroom.

Momo stood there, shocked. She honestly would have appreciated it, but due to her parents, it was going to be difficult to appreciate the gesture. If Mr and Mrs Yaoyorozu found out, it's for sure that she would be in a lot of trouble.

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