Chapter 55 (Samoan Bloodline)

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Bayley got herself dressed with her Tech fleece grey Nike sweatpants and white beater with a her jacket figuring it would be cold as Sasha wore cute jeans and black crop top and blue jacket and Blue and white Nike high tops while River wore black jean shorts and white shirt with black hat and black converse they were all nervous in the car except for River who was watching Elmo's world on her IPad with her headphones on

Sasha: Bayley we don't have to go we could just turn around and not have to deal with him

Bayley: babe if we say no they will find us and hurt you I rather face them head on so they can leave us the fuck alone it's December I should be making a Christmas tree and hanging up stocking with you and River this is our first Christmas as a family and I want them to leave me alone

Sasha saw how stressed Bayley was and layed her head on her neck m

Sasha: whatever happens now that we are going to get through it together no one left behind promise me that

Bayley: Sas-

Sasha: No say I promise no one gets left behind

Bayley saw Sasha intertwine her hands with Bayley

Bayley:....I...I promise no one gets left behind

Sasha smirked

Sasha: We're gonna do this


Seth was at the gym using the punishing bag with Murphy

Seth: hold it up a little higher..there we go *punch*  * punch*

?????: Hey Rollins

Seth looks over to see him being approached by Dean and Charlotte and Becky

Seth: Look I haven't done anything okay Murphy let's go

Seth and Buddy try and walk past Dean and Charlotte and Becky but they block there paths

Charlotte: Sit down we need to talk to both of you

Seth looked at Dean his Biological brother then looked away

Seth: I don't wanna talk

Becky: Seth you saved River from Roman couple months ago you and Dean see Roman as a brother what changed

Seth looked down not able to look them in the eyes

Dean: bro please talk to us

Seth: I... *tears up* I did it because what he was planning on doing to River would give that child PTSD she would never wanna go to another park with her parents...R..River is a sweet girl and she really loves Bayley and Sasha no matter what anyone says that is one strong ass family and I wanted to destroy but not anymore okay

Charlotte: but why

Seth: I have my reasons okay

Becky: we wanna work with you

Seth: I work with no one but me and Murphy

Charlotte: if you want to keep that little girl safe and far away from Roman then I suggest you listen to us we just want to help and we know that deep down inside you truly want to be a part of this family

Seth: what are you talking about?

Dean: remember high school you said a whole football field on fire because two boys are bullying you but this really cute girl that you wanted to ask out Seth you have incredible powers I don't know where you got these powers from but clearly they were given to you for a reason and what I'm hearing from is that you can do a Lotta good with those powers

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