Chapter 34 (Approached emotionally)

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Bayley had just saw Sasha punch the ground so hard it made waves and knocked Seth and Buddy on the other side of the street then shot off fireballs at them

Bayley: Sasha!?

Sasha: I B-

Sasha saw River back up behind Bayley on her little crutches and Sasha left but faster than any other human


Charlotte: WHAT THE FUCK


Sasha went to the house and close the door hyperventilating then she heard

????: Mamacita wipe your eyes

Sasha looked up and she was in the spirit world

Sasha: I'm sorry papa I failed you I lost control and now Bayley knows.....I should have done better I'm sorry Papa

Eddie picked his granddaughter up and hugged her

Sasha: I don't understand

Eddie: Sasha honey let me tell you a story about my life with your grandmother Alundra


Eddie's wife Alundra and there 7 year old son Eduardo Gory Guerrero Llanes (Eddie Guerrero) as he was playing with him in the backyard when Moolah came and strayed to set the whole building on fire being Eddie Jr was outside Eddie senior had to grab Alundra outta the building and this was something that stuck with Eddie for so long that his family could've died so he kept a distance from his powers and enemies


Eddie: Ever since then I never really became close to my powers..then Chyna had you babygirl and you were blessed with my gift it just took you a while then when you realize that you are now trying to figure out how to control it..honey don't do what I did be stupid and try to separate yourself from your powers you may not know it but your powers protect you family use use it as a gift not a curse alright sweetie

Eddie kisses Sasha on the head

Sasha opens her eyes and say Bayley walk through the door with River

Sasha:B..Bayley I have to leave I know your scared of me and I know you don't wanna be with a freak like me but I'm gonna leave before I-

Bayley wrapped her lips on Sasha's kisses her compassionately and Sasha was way to confused

Sasha: I don't understand

Bayley: Sasha Becky and River told me everything and River told me how you got her outta that tree but I thought that was her imagination until when you lashed out and Becky confirmed it

Sasha looks down with tears in her eyes and Bayley picks her head up

Bayley: what wrong why are you crying baby

Sasha: I just I wasn't there for you or River and know you have a damn separated shoulder and River's leg and the head trauma I just..I—

Bayley: Do I have to kiss those sweet lips again to get your mind to stop racing like a jack rabbit

Sasha blushed

Sasha: maayybee?

River: Apparently cause you are talking faster than a crash coarse video

Sasha looked at River and picked her up

Sasha: sorry about your leg kiddo

River: it's cool now I can go to school and brag that I almost died

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